Power Your Research with ARM Data
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) User Facility data are collected through routine operations and scientific field experiments.
Serving users worldwide, the ARM Data Center obtains and archives approximately 50 terabytes of data per month. Datastreams are generally available for download within 48 hours.
Access the Data
All data obtained through ARM are monitored for quality and made available free of charge through the ARM Data Center via Data Discovery.
About ARM Data
ARM data include routine data products, value-added products (VAPs), field campaign data, complementary external data products from collaborating programs, and data contributed by ARM principal investigators for use by the scientific community. Data quality reports, graphical displays of data availability/quality, and data plots are also available from the ARM Data Center.
Data Collection and Processing Resources
Submit Data to ARM
The ARM Data Center hosts a variety of science data products, including data submitted by ARM users, field campaign principal investigators, and Atmospheric System Research (ASR) scientists. ARM is the preferred data archive for ASR-supported science data products.
Work with ARM Data
ARM provides resources and information to help users with reading, writing, displaying, and manipulating data.
Understand Data Quality
To ensure the quality of the data collected and distributed by ARM, the Data Quality (DQ) Office reviews all data and communicates data quality to users so that they may make informed decisions when using the data.
Use ARM's Science Data Products
In addition to collecting and distributing atmospheric data, ARM develops several types of science data products. These data are curated to be useful to a broad audience, including graduate students, seasoned ARM users, retrieval experts, and high-resolution to global modelers, each with different comfort levels for working with observational data. ARM staff use their expertise with the observations to make higher-order data products that have been analyzed and processed to ease scientists’ use of ARM data.
More Data
Acknowledge ARM Data
The ARM User Facility should be acknowledged in publications as the origin of field studies or data used in the research.
To make it possible for scientists to cite ARM data in their publications, ARM has also created Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) at the ARM data product level.
Need Help with ARM Data?
For questions regarding ARM data, please use the Data Questions form, or call 1-888-ARM-DATA (Monday though Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern time).
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ARM User Profile
ARM welcomes users from all institutions and nations. A free ARM user account is needed to access ARM data.