2D-MAX-DOAStwo-dimensional multi-axis differential optical absorption spectroscopy
2D-S(stereo) optical array spectrometer
2DCtwo-dimensional cloud
2DVDtwo-dimensional video disdrometer
3DVARthree-dimensional variational data assimilation
4DDAfour-dimensional data assimilation
4STARSpectrometer for Sky-scanning Sun-Tracking Atmospheric Research (NASA)
A-ATOFMSAircraft-aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometer
AAabsorbing aerosols
AAAAIAmerican Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology
AABWAntarctic bottom water
AACPabove-anvil cirrus plume
AACTARM-ASR Coordination Team
AADAustralian Antarctic Division
AAEAbsorption Angstrom Exponent
AAFARM Aerial Facility
AALCOAerial Assessment of Liquid in Clouds at Oliktok
AAOAdjacent Arctic Ocean
AAODaerosol absorption optical depth
AASEAirborne Arctic Stratospheric Expedition
AATSAmes airborne tracking sunphotometer
AATSRAdvanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer
ABCabsorbing boundary condition or atmospheric brown cloud
ABEAerosol Best Estimate
ABIAdvanced Baseline Imager (GOES-R satellite)
ABIFMactivity-based immersion freezing model
ABLatmospheric boundary layer
ABLEArgonne Boundary Layer Experiment or Arctic Boundary Layer Experiment or Amazon Boundary Layer Experiment (NASA)
ABoVEArctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment
ABRACOSAnglo-Brazilian Amazonian Climate Observation Study
ABRFCArkansas Basin Red River Forecast Center
ACAODabove-cloud aerosol optical depth
ACAPEXARM Cloud Aerosol Precipitation Experiment
ACARSAerodynamic (Research Incorporated) Communication and Recording System or Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System
ACASArctic Climate Across Scales
ACCAntarctic Circumpolar Current
ACCACIAAerosol Cloud Coupling and Climate Interaction in the Arctic
ACCEPTAnalysis of the Composition of Clouds with Extended Polarization Techniques
ACCESSAustralian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator or aerosol counting, composition, extinction, and sizing system
ACCESS-AM2Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator Atmosphere-only Model version 2
ACCMIPAtmospheric Chemistry and Climate Model Intercomparison Project
ACCPAerosol, Cloud, Convection, and Precipitation study (NASA)
ACDCAtmospheric Cluster Dynamic Code
ACEAerosol Characterization Experiment or Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition or Accumulated Cyclone Energy
ACE-2Second Aerosol Characterization Experiment
ACE-AsiaAsian Pacific Regional Aerosol Characterization Experiment
ACE-ENAAerosol and Cloud Experiments in the Eastern North Atlantic
ACE-SPACEAntarctic Circumnavigation Expedition - Study of Preindustrial-like Aerosol Climate Effects
ACIaerosol-cloud interactions
ACIAArctic Climate Impact Assessment
ACMEAccelerated Climate Model for Energy or Airborne Carbon Measurements campaign
ACOMAtmospheric Chemistry Observations and Modeling (NCAR)
ACORESAzores Statocumulus Measurements of Radiation, Turbulence and Aerosols
ACOSAtmospheric Carbon Observation from Space
ACPabsolute cavity pyrgeometer
ACRairborne cloud radar
ACREAntarctic Clouds and Radiation Experiment
ACRFARM Climate Research Facility
ACRIDICON-CHUVAAerosol, Cloud, Precipitation, and Radiation Interactions and Dynamics of Convective Cloud Systems
ACROSairborne cloud-radiation observing system
ACSEArctic Clouds in Summer Experiment
ACSMAerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor
ACSYSArctic Climate System Study
ACTARM Coordination Team
ACTIVATEAerosol Cloud Meteorology Interactions Over the Western Atlantic Experiment
ACTIVEaerosol and chemical transport in tropical convection
ACTOSAirborne Cloud Turbulence Observation System
ACTRISAerosols, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure
ACUASIAlaska Center for UAS Integration
ADAanomalous diffraction approximation
ADASARPS data analysis system or Atmospheric Data Assimilation System
ADCanalog-to-digital converter
ADDAAmsterdam discrete dipole approximation
ADDEMaerosol diameter-dependent equilibrium model
ADEOSadvanced earth observing system (Japan Space Program)
ADFadiabatic fraction
ADIARM Data Integrator
ADMangular dependence model
ADMBAir-deployed microbuoys
ADMIRARIAdvanced Microwave Radiometer for Rain Identification
ADTanomalous diffraction theory
AEAngstrom exponent
AEBAgencia Espacial Brasileira
AEBRaerosol extinction-to-backscatter ratios
AECARM Experiment Center
AEDatmospheric evaporative demand
AEMAutomatic Exchange Mechanism
AERAtmospheric Environmental Research, Inc.
AERIatmospheric emitted radiance interferometer
AERI-ERextended-range AERI
AERI-Xhigh-resolution (0.1 cm<sup>-1</sup>) version of AERI
AERIoeAtmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer Optimal Estimation
AEROCLO-sAAerosol Radiation and Clouds in southern Africa
AeroComAerosol Comparisons between Observations and Models
AEROICESTUDYAerosol-Ice Formation Closure Pilot Study
AEROMMAAtmospheric Emissions and Reactions Observed from Megacities to Marine Areas
AERONETAerosol Robotic Network
AEROSEAerosol and Ocean Science Expedition
AESairborne emission spectrometer or Atmospheric Environment Services (Canada)
AFadiabatic fraction
AFCARM field campaign
AFGLAir Force Geophysics Laboratory
AFM/IRatomic force microscope-infrared
AFOSRAir Force Office of Scientific Research
AFRCArmstrong Flight Research Center
AFRLAir Force Research Laboratory
AFWAAir Force Weather Agency
AFWEXARM-FIRE Water Vapor Experiment
AGAGEAdvanced Global Gases Experiment
AGARDAdvisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development
AGASPArctic Gas and Aerosol Sampling Program
AGCAutomatic Gain Control
AGCDAustralian Gridded Climate Data
AGCMsatmospheric general circulation models
AGGIannual greenhouse gas index (NOAA)
AGLabove ground level
AGUAmerican Geophysical Union
AHIAdvanced Himawari Imager
AHMadaptive habit model
AIaerosol index or artificial intelligence
AIAARM Information Architecture
AIDAAerosol Interaction and Dynamics in the Atmosphere cloud chamber (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
AIDJEXArctic Ice Dynamics Joint Experiment
AIEaerosol indirect effect
AIFaerosol indirect forcing
AIIEAirborne Icing Instrumentation Evaluation
AIMMSAircraft-integrated Meteorological Measurement System
AIMSAustralian Institute of Marine Science
AIOMFACAerosol Inorganic-Organic Mixtures Functional groups Activity Coefficient
AIPAlgorithm Intrcomparison Project
AIRSatmospheric infrared sounder or Alliance Icing Research Study
AISARCS Integration Site
AIVaerosol invigoration effect
ALABAMAaircraft-based laser ablation mass spectrometer
ALAMOAir-Launched Autonomous Micro Observer (ocean float program)
ALBSAAleutian Low-Beaufort Sea Anticyclone
ALC-IOPAerosol Life Cycle Intensive Observational Period (a 2011 U.S. DOE field campaign)
ALCFAutomatic Lidar and Ceilometer Framework
ALEavailable lifting energy
ALEXAIDEX Lead Experiment
ALFAAER local forecast and assimilation (model)
ALIVEAerosol Lidar Validation Experiment
ALMACME Land Model
ALOSEAlong Line of Site Experiment
ALTOSArctic Lower Troposphere Observed Structure
AMAPArctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (Arctic Council)
AMAZEAmazonian Aerosol Characterization Experiment
AMEaerosol microphysical effect
AMEXAustralian Monsoon Experiment
AMFARM Mobile Facility
AMI-WSactive microwave instrument wind scatterometer
AMIEARM MJO Investigation Experiment
AMIPAtmospheric Model Intercomparison Project
AMMAAfrican Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis
AMOAtlantic Multidecadal Oscillation
AMOCAtlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
AmPMSAmbient-pressure Proton transfer Mass Spectrometer
AMPSAntarctic Mesoscale Prediction System
AMRDCAntarctic Meteorological Research and Data Center
AMSaerosol mass spectrometer or accelerator mass spectrometer
AMS-SMPSaerosol mass spectrometer-scanning mobility particle sizer
AMSLabove mean sea level
AMSRadvanced microwave scanning radiometer
AMSU-BAdvanced Microwave Sounding Unit-B
AMTARM Management Team or Aerosol Modeling Testbed
AMVAtlantic Multidecadal Variability
ANLArgonne National Laboratory
ANNartificial neural network
AOArctic Oscillation
AODaerosol optical depth
AOFBAutonomous ocean flux buoy
AOGCMatmosphere-ocean global coupled model or atmosphere-ocean general circulation model
AOMLAtlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory
AONArctic Observing Network
AOPaerosol optical properties
AOPCICAerosol Optical Particle Counter Intercomparison Campaign
AOSaerosol observing system
AOTaerosol optical thickness
APanisotropy parameter
APCaerosol particle chamber
APIapplication programming interface
APIMSAtmospheric Pressure Ionization Mass Spectrometry
APIPaircraft-produced ice particle
APOLLOAVHRR Processing Scheme Over Land, Cloud, and Ocean
APPIatmospheric pressure photoionization
APREFAsia-Pacific Reference Frame
APSaerosol particle-sizing spectrometer or aerodynamic particle sizer
APSSabsorbing polystyrene spheres
ARatmospheric river
AR ReconAtmospheric River Reconnaissance
AR-AFSAtmospheric River Analysis and Forecast System
ARCAmes Research Center
ARCPACAerosol, Radiation, and Cloud Processes affecting Arctic Climate
ARCSAtmospheric Radiation and Cloud Station
ARCSSArctic System Science (NSF)
ARCSYMArctic Regional Climate System Model
ARCTASArctic Research of the Composition of the Troposphere from Aircraft and Satellites
ARCUSArctic Research Consortium of the United States
ARDTAtmospheric River Detection Tool
AREaerosol radiative effect
ARESEARM Enhanced Shortwave Experiment
ARFaerosol radiative forcing
ARGNAustralian Regional GPS Network
ARHatmospheric radiative heating
ARIaerosol-radiation interactions
ARIESAryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences
ARIMAAutoregressive Integrated Moving Average
ARINCAerodynamic Research Incorporated Communication
ARLAir Resources Laboratory (NOAA)
ARMAtmospheric Radiation Measurement
ARM-ACMEARM Airborne Carbon Measurements
ARMBEARM best estimate (data products)
ARMBEATMARM Best Estimate Atmospheric Measurements value-added product
ARMBECLDRADARM Best Estimate Cloud Radiation value-added product
ARMORAdvanced Radar for Meteorological and Operational Research
AROMEApplications of Research to Operations at Mesoscale
ARPSAdvanced Regional Prediction System
ARRAAmerican Recovery and Reinvestment Act (can also be shortened to "Recovery Act").
ARRCAdvanced Radar Research Center (University of Oklahoma)
ARSAgricultural Research Service
ARSCLActive Remotely Sensed Cloud Locations (an ARM VAP)
ARTEMISAdvanced Responsive Tactically Effective Military Imaging Spectrometer
ARTMIPAtmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project
ARTSAtmospheric Radiative Transfer Simulator
ASanvil stratus
ASAP-MSatmospheric solids analysis probe mass spectrometry
ASCarctic stratus cloud
ASCATAdvanced SCATterometer
ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange file format
ASCOSArctic Summer Cloud Ocean Study
ASDanalytical spectral devices
ASIRabsolute scanning infrared radiometer
ASIVAAll Sky Infrared Visible Analyzer
ASMAsian summer monsoon
ASOAirborne Snow Observatory
ASOPatmospheric soil organic particles
ASOSautomatic surface observing system
ASPAtmospheric Science Program
ASPENAtmospheric Sounding Processing Environment (NCAR software)
ASRaerosol scattering ratio or absorbed solar radiation or absorbed shortwave radiation or absolute sky-scanning radiometer
ASRCAtmospheric Sciences Research Center
ASSISTAtmospheric Sounder Spectrometer for Infrared Spectral Technology
ASSPaxially scattering spectrometer probe
ASTERAtmosphere-Surface Turbulent Exchange Research or Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (NASA)
ASTEXAtlantic Stratocumulus Transition Experiment
ASTIabsolute solar transmittance interferometer
ASTICAll Sky Thermal Infrared Camera
ATDAtmospheric Technology Division (NCAR) or Arizona test dust
ATDDAtmospheric Turbulence and diffusion Division (NOAA ARL)
ATHAMActive Tracer High-resolution Atmospheric Model
ATLIDAtmospheric backscatter lidar
ATMAtmospheric Transport Model
ATMIS-IIAtmospheric Moisture Comparison Study
ATMLAtmospheric and Terrestrial Mobile Laboratory
ATMOSAtmospheric Trace Molecule Spectroscopy or Argonne Testbed for Multiscale Observational Studies
ATMSAdvanced Technology Microwave Sounder
ATOFMSaerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometer
ATOMAtmospheric Tomography Mission
ATOMICAtlantic Tradewind Ocean-Atmosphere Mesoscale Interaction Campaign
ATOMMSActive Temperature, Ozone Moisture Microwave Spectrometer
ATR/FTIRattenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared
ATSRAlong-Track Scanning Radiometer
ATTREXAirborne Tropical Tropopause Experiment
AUSMIAustralian monsoon index
AVAARM Volume-Imaging Array
AVGAdaptive Vertical Grid
AVHRRadvanced very-high-resolution radiometer
AVIRISairborne visible and infrared imaging spectrometer
AVMPatmospheric vertical moisture profile
AVOCanthropogenic volatile organic carbon
AVPARM Aerial Vehicles Program *As of February 2009, this program was renamed ARM Aerial Facility.
AVSETAutomated Volume Scan Evaluation and Termination
AVTPatmospheric vertical temperature profile
AWAREARM West Antarctic Radiation Experiment
AWEXAIRS Water Vapor Experiment
AWIPSAdvanced Weather Interactive Processing System
AWPAGAll-Weather Precipitation Accumulation Guage
AWSautomated weather station
AZAazimuth angle
BACIBiosphere Atmosphere Change Index
BAECCBiogenic Aerosols - Effects on Clouds and Climate
BAECC SNEXBiogenic Aerosols--Effects on Clouds and Climate: Snowfall Experiment
BAERIBay Area Environmental Research Institute
BAMEXBow Echo and Mesoscale Convective Vortices Experiment
BAMSBulletin of the American Meteorological Society
BAOBoulder Atmospheric Observatory
BAPMoNBackground Air Pollution Monitoring
BARCBarrow Arctic Research Center
BARFEXBoardman Atmospheric Radiation Flux Experiment
BARRAAustralian Bureau of Meteorology Atmospheric high-resolution Reginal Reanalysis for Australia
BASBritish Antarctic Survey
BASEBeaufort Arctic Storms Experiment
BASE-ABiomass Burning Airborne and Spaceborne Experiment in the Amazonas
BASTABistatic rAdar SysTem for Atmospheric studies
BATSBiosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme
BATSE1Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme, Version 1e
BBbiomass burning
BBAbiomass burning aerosols
BBCEASbroadband cavity enhanced absorption spectrometer
BBHRPbroadband heating rate profile
BBOAbiomass burning organic aerosol
BBOPBiomass Burning Observation Project
BBSSballoon-borne sounding system
BCblack carbon
BC4Boston College-Aerodyne led Coated Black Carbon Study
BCADSBlack Carbon Aerosol Deposition Study
BCLbuoyant condensation level
BCOBarbados Cloud Observatory
BCPbackscatter cloud probe
BCRbaseline change request
BCSBayesian Compressive Sensing
BDRFbidirectional reflectance functions
BEACH-ON-ROMBASBiohydro-atmosphere interactions of Energy, Aerosols, Carbon, H2O, Organics & Nitrogen Rocky Mountain Biogenic Aerosol Study
BECCSbioenergy with carbon capture and storage
BEOBarrow Environmental Observatory
BERBiological and Environmental Research
BESSTBall Experimental Sea Surface Temperature instrument
BFboundary facility
BICBayesian Information Criterion
BIOSBermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences
BLboundary layer
BLCBelfort laser ceilometer or boundary layer convection
BLCWGBoundary Layer Cloud Working Group (GCSS)
BLHboundary layer height
BLISSBoundary Layer Sensing and Simulation working group
BLOSSOMBilateral Operational Storm-Scale Observation and Modeling
BLXBoundary Layer Experiment
BMRCBureau of Meteorological Research Center
BNLBrookhaven National Laboratory
BOEMREBureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement
BOMAustralian Bureau of Meteorology
BOMEXBarbados Oceanographic and Meteorological Experiment
BORCALbroadband outdoor radiometer calibration
BOREASBoreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study
BRDFbidirectional reflectance distribution function
BRSbroadband radiometer station
BSABeaufort Sea Anticyclone
BSISOboreal summer intraseasonal oscillation
BSOAbiogenic secondary organic aerosol
BSRNbaseline surface radiation network
BSRWPbeam-steered radar wind profiler
BTback trajectory or brightness temperature
BTDbrightness temperature difference
BVOCbiogenic volatile organic compound
C-LAMPCarbon-Land Model Intercomparison Project
C-MANCoastal-Marine Automated Network
C4MIPCoupled Climate-Carbon Cycle MIP
CAAClean Air Act (U.S.) or cloud absorption anomaly
CABLCharacterizing the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
CaChUPChemical Analyzer for Charged Ultrafine Particles
CACTICloud, Aerosol, and Complex Terrain Interactions
CADcomputer-aided design
CAFcloud area fraction
CAFSCoupled Arctic Forecasting System
CAGATECCPP-ARM GCM analysis of tendency errors
CAICECenter for Aerosol Impacts on Chemistry of the Environment (National Science Foundation)
CAIPEEX-2009Cloud Aerosol and P:recipitation Enhancement Experiment
CALIOPCloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization
CALIPSOCloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation
CALMCircumpolar Active Layer Monitoring Grid
CalNexCalifornia Nexus of Air Quality and Climate Experiment
CALVALCalibration and Validation
CAMCommunity Atmosphere Model or convection-allowing model
CAM-4NCAR Community Atmosphere Model Version 4
CAM-5NCAR Community Atmosphere Model
CAM-MAMPNNL Modal Aerosol Model
CAM5-CAPTCommunity Atmosphere Model version 5.1-Cloud-Associated Parameterizations Testbed
CAMELCombined ASTER MODIS Emissivity over Land
CAMEXConvection and Moisture Experiment
CAMSCopernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service
CANDACCanadian Network for Detection of Atmospheric Change
CANSISECanadian Sea Ice and Snow Evolution Network
CAOcold-air outbreak
CAP-MBLCloud, Aerosol, and Precipitation in the Marine Boundary Layer
CAPEconvective available potential energy or Convection and Precipitation/Electrification experiment
CAPE-KClouds and Precipitation Experiment at Kennaook
CAPIcloud-aerosol-precipitation interactions
CAPMoNCanadian Air and Precipitation Monitoring Network
CAPPIConstant Altitude Plan Position Indicators
CAPRICORNClouds, Aerosols, Precipitation, Radiation, and Atmospheric Composition over the Southern Ocean
CAPScloud, aerosol, and precipitation spectrometer or cavity attenuated phase shift
CAPS-PMEXcavity attenuated phase shift extinction monitor
CAPTCloud-Associated Parameterization Testbed
CARcorrective action report
CARBCalifornia Air Resources Board
CARESCarbonaceous Aerosol and Radiative Effects Study
CARICommunity Airborne Research Instrumentation
CARLCART Raman lidar
CARMACommunity Aerosol-Radiation-Microphysics Application or Community Aerosol and Radiation Model for Atmospheres
CARRIBACloud, Aerosol, Radiation, and Turbulence in the Trade Wind Regime over Barbados
CARSNETChina Aerosol Remote Sensing Network
CARTCloud and Radiation Testbed
CARVECarbon in Arctic Reservoirs Vulnerability Experiment
CAScloud aerosol spectrometer
CASACarnegie-Ames-Stanford Approach or Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of the Atmosphere
CASCCCaltech Active Strand Cloud water Collector
CASESCooperative Atmosphere Surface Exchange Study or Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study
CASSContinental Active Surface-Forced Shallow Cumulus
CASTCo-ordinated Airborne Studies in the Tropics
CASTNETClean Air Status and Trend Network
CAUSESCloud Above the United States and Errors at the Surface
CAVMCircumpolar Arctic Vegetation map
CAWCRCentre for Australian Weather and Climate Research
CAWSCanadian Arctic Weather Science
CBGChebogue Point (Canada)
CBHcloud base height
CBLconvective boundary layer
CCAPCharacterization of Cirrus and Aerosol Properties
CCCMACanadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis
CCDcharge-coupled device
CCEWconvectively coupled equatorial waves
CCIClimate Change Initiative (ESA)
CCIECoastal Convective Interaction Experiment
CCMclimate chemistry model
CCM1Community Climate Model, Version 1
CCM2Community Climate Model, Version 2
CCM3Community Climate Model, Version 3
CCMIChemistry Climate Modeling Initiative
CCNcloud condensation nuclei
CCPMcyclic convection-permitting model
CCPPClimate Change Prediction Program
CCScold cloud system
CCSEM/EDXcomputer-controlled scanniing electron microscopy/energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
CCSM2Community Climate System Model, Version 2
CCSPClimate Change Science Program or Carbon Cycle Science Plan
CCSSCalifornia Cooperative Snow Survey
CDAconstrained data assimilation
CDAACConstellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and COSMIC Data Analysis and Archive Center
CDECART data environment
CDERcloud droplet effective radius
CDFcumulative distribution function
CDFSCloud Depiction Forecast System (USAF)
CDIACCarbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center
CDLcloud detection lidar or coherent Doppler lidar
CDMSCloud Droplet Measurement System
CDNCcloud droplet number concentration
CDPcloud droplet probe or control/display panel
CDRcircular depolarization ratio or Critical Design Review
CDR-MIPCarbon Dioxide Removal Model Intercomparison Project
CDScloud drop spectrometer
CDSDcloud droplet size distribution
CEcollection efficiency
CEAREXCoordinated Eastern Arctic Experiment
CEAScavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy
CEDcloud equivalent diameter
CEDSCommunity Emissions Data System
CEESCommittee on Earth and Environmental Sciences
CEMcloud ensemble model
CEOSCommittee on Earth Observation Satellites
CEPcloud extinction probe
CEPEXCentral Equatorial Pacific Experiment
CERESClouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System
CESARCabauw Experimental Site for Atmospheric Research (Netherlands)
CESBIOCentre d'Etudes spatiales de la BIOsphere (France)
CESDClimate and Environmental Sciences Division
CESMCommunity Earth System Model
CESM-LENSCommunity Earth System Model Large Ensemble Project
CFCentral Facility or Climate and Forecast or cloud fraction
CFADcontoured-frequency-by-altitude diagram
CFARRFacility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements (UK)
CFCRCentroid Frequency Chirp Rate
CFDcomputational fluid dynamics
CFDCcontinuous flow diffusion chamber
CFDE IICanadian Freezing Drizzle Experiment II
CFHcryogenic frost point hygrometer
CFIcloud-free index or Canada Foundation for Innovation
CFMIPCloud Feedback Model Intercomparison Project
CFODDContoured Frequency by Optical Depth Diagram
CFPcarbon flux phenology
CFSRClimate Forecast System Reanalysis (NCEP)
CFWICanadian Fire Weather Index
CGAcalibration, grooming, and alignment
CGCMcoupled (ocean-atmosphere) general circulation model
CGPSContinuous Global Positioning System
CHAPSCumulus Humilis Aerosol Processing Study
CHARMSCH4 Atmospheric Remote Monitoring
CHARTSCode for High-Resolution Accelerated Radiative Transfer from Scattering
CHEESEHEAD19Chequamegon Heterogeneous Ecosystem Energy-balance Study Enabled by a High-density Extensive Array of Detectors 2019
CHIVOColorado State University C-Band Hydrometeorological Instrument for Volumetric Observations
CIconvective initiation
CI-ITMSion trap mass spectrometer using chemical ionization
CICCloudiness Intercomparison Campaign
CIDcollision-induced dissociation
CIDSCEPEX integrated data system
CIMMSCooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies
CIMSchemical ionization mass spectrometer
CIMSSCooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies
CINconvective inhibition
CINCcloud ice number concentration
CINDY2011Cooperative Indian Ocean Experiment on Intraseasonal Variability in Year 2011
CIPcolumn intensive properties or cloud imaging probe
CIRcloud infrared radiometer
CIRACooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
CIRCCREXCirrus Coupled Cloud-Radiation Experiment
CIRESCooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (U. of Colorado)
CIRPCooperative Institute for Regional Prediction (University of Utah)
CIRPASCenter for Interdisciplinary Remotely Piloted Aircraft Studies
CIWROCooperative Institute for Severe and High-Impact Weather Research and Operations (University of Oklahoma)
CKEcumulus kinetic energy or collisional kinetic energy
CLconvective precipitation over land
CLACECloud and Aerosol Characterization Experiments
CLAMPSCollaborative Lower Atmospheric Mobile Profiling System
CLAMSChesapeake Lighthouse and Aircraft Measurements for Satellites
CLAPcontinuous light absorption photometer
CLARIFY-2017Cloud-Aerosol-Radiation Interactions and Forcing: Year 2017
CLASICCloud Land Surface Interaction Campaign or Chemistry Land-Surface Atmosphere Soil Slab
CLASSCross-Chain Loran Atmospheric Sounding System
CLASSICCoupled Large-scale Aerosol Simulator for Studies of Climate
CLAUSCloud Archive User Service
CLAVRCloud Advanced Very High-Resolution Radiometer
CLDchemiluminescence detection
CLEARColorado State University Lightning, Environment, Aerosol, and Radar analysis framework
CLEARFLOClean Air for London
CLEXComplex Layered Cloud Experiment
CLIcommand line interface
CLIMOBCLImate Modelling and Observations in India
CLIVARClimate Variability and Predictability (Program)
CLMCommunity Land Model or Common Land Model
CLOUDCosmics Leaving OUtdoor Droplets chamber (European Council for Nuclear Research)
CLOWDClouds with Low Optical (Water) Depths Working Group
CLPcloud liquid path
CLRTAPConvention on Long Range Trans-boundary Air Pollution
CLScloud and aerosol lidar system
CLUBBCloud Layers Unified By-Binormals
CLWcolumn liquid water
CLWGCloud Lifecycle Working Group
CLWPcloud liquid water path
CMcloud mask
CMAPClimate Prediction Center Merged Analysis of Precipitation
CMAQCommunity Multiscale Air Quality model (EPA)
CMBEClimate Modeling Best Estimate
CMCCanadian Meteorological Centre
CMCCCentro Euro-Mediterraneo per I Cambiamenti Climatici
CMCSconnected MCS
CMDEWPchilled-mirror dew point hygrometer
CMDLClimate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory
CMDVClimate Model Development and Validation Program (U.S. DOE)
CMFRcontinuously mixed flow reactor
CMIPCoupled Model Intercomparison Project
CMLcloud mixed layer
CMMGCenter of Climate, Meteorology, and Climate change (University of the Azores)
CMORPHClimate Prediction Center Morphing Technique
CMSAFClimate Monitoring Satellite Application Facility
CMTconvective momentum transport
CNcondensation nucleus
CNESCentre National d'Etudes Spatiales
CNNconvolutional neural network
CNPqBrazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development
CNRM-CERFACSCentre National de Recherches Meteorologiques/Centre Europeen de Recherche et Formation Avancees en Calcul Scientifique
CNTclassical nucleation theory
Co<sub>2</sub>FLXcarbon dioxide flux system
COALACoordinated Observations of the Lower Arctic Atmosphere
COALESCECarbonaceous aerosol emissions, source apportionment, and climate impacts (India)
COARECoupled Ocean Atmosphere Response Experiment
COBRACO2 Budget and Rectification Airborne stody
CODcloud optical depth
CODECenter for Orbit Determination in Europe
COLACenter for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies
COLMAColorado Lightning Mapping Array
COMBLECold-Air Outbreaks in the Marine Boundary Layer Experiment
CombRetCombined Retrieval
CoMeTCoupling Metrics Toolkit
COMMASCollaborative Model for Multiscale Atmospheric Simulation
CONTRASTCONvective TRansport of Active Species in the Tropics
CONUScontinental United States
COPCloud Organizational Potential
COPEConvective Precipitation Experiment
COPSConvective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study
CORDEXCoordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment
COSMICConstellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate
COSPCFMIP Observation Simulator Package
CoSSIRCompact Scanning Submillimeter-wave Imaging Radiometer (NASA)
COTcloud optical thickness
CPCloud Properties Working Group
CPCClimate Prediction Center or condensation particle counter
CPIcloud particle imager
CPMCloud Parameterization and Modeling or convection-permitting model
CPMAcentrifugal particle mass analyzer
CPOLC-band polarimetric radar
CPPARcylindrical polarimetric phased array radar
CPRScloud profiling radar system
CPTcold point tropopause
CPWCloud Properties Working Group
CQIcontinuous quality improvement
CR-SIMCloud Resolving Model Radar Simulator
CRAICCNordic Centre of Excellence
CRDcavity ring-down
CRD-AEScavity ring down aerosol extinction spectrometer
CRDScavity ring-down spectroscopy
CREcloud radiative effect
CRFcloud radiative forcing
CRHcolumn relative humidity
CRHFcloud radiative heat forcing
CrISCross-track Infrared Sounder
CRLcompact Raman lidar
CRMcloud-resolving model or column radiation model
CROCConvective Radio Occultations Campaign
CRRELCold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
CRSClouds and Radiative Swath
CRYSTAL-FACECirrus Regional Study of Tropical Anvils and Cirrus Layers—Florida Area Cirrus Experiment
CSCEContinental Stratocumulus Experiment (Pennsylvania State University)
CSDcloud size distribution
CSETCloud System Evolution in the Trades
CSHNETChinese Sun Hazemeter Network
CSIcloud spectrometer and impactor or clear-sky identification
CSIPConvective Storm Initiation Project
CSIROCommonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
CSLAEXCross-Scale Land-Atmosphere Experiment
CSM1Climate System Model, Version 1
CSPCombined Sensor Program
CSPHOTcimel photometer
CSPOTcamel sun photometer
CSRMcloud system-resolving model
CSTRIPECoastal Stratocumulus Imposed Perturbation Experiments
CSUColorado State University
CSU-MAPSCalifornia State University mobile atmospheric profiling system
CSWRCenter for Severe Weather Research
CTcloud thickness
CTBLcloud-topped boundary layer or cumulus-topped boundary layer
CTDcloud-top divergence
CTEIcloud-top entrainment instability
CTFSCenter for Tropical Forest Science
CTHcloud top height
CTMchemical transport model
CTPconvective triggering potential
CTTcloud-top temperature
CTVcloud-top vertical vorticity
CuPIDOCumulus Photogrammetric, In situ, and Doppler Observations
CUTCoordinated Universal Time
CVDPClimate Variability Diagnostic Package (NCAR)
CVEcoherent vorticity extraction
CVFcloud vertical fraction
CVIcounter-flow vertical impactor
CW3ECenter for Western Weather and Water Extremes
CWCcondensed water content
CWPcloud water path
CWVcolumnar water vapor
CZOCritical Zone Observatory
DAACDistributed Active Archive Center
DABULdepolarization aerosol and backscatter unattended lidar
DACAPO-PESODynamics, Aerosol, Cloud And Precipitation Observations in the Pristine Environment of the Southern Ocean
DACCIWADynamics-aerosol-chemistry-cloud interactions in West Africa
DAIIdroplet assisted inlet ionization mass spectrometry
DALESDutch Atmospheric Large Eddy Simulation model
DAOdata assimilation office
DAQdata acquisition
DAREdirect aerosol radiative effect
DARFdirect aerosol radiative forcing
DARTdiscrete angle radiative transfer or Data Assimilation Research Testbed (NCAR)
DAWEXDarwin Wave Experiment
DBSDichroic Beam Splitter
DBSCANDensity-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise
DC3Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry
DCCdeep convective cloud
DCPdownward control principle
DCPPDecadal Climate Prediction Project
DDAdiscrete dipole approximation
DDIdownwelling diffuse irradiance
DDRdiffuse-to-direct ratio
DDVdifferential Doppler velocity
DEADDust Entrainment and Deposition Model
DEIDdifferential emissivity imaging disdrometer
DEMdigital elevation model
DERdroplet effective radius
DESIdesorption electrospray ionization
DESI-HRMSdesorption electrospray ionization high-resolution mass spectrometry
DESI-MSdesorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry
DEWdistant early warning
DFARdouble-fence automated reference
DFB TDLdistributed feedback tunable-diode laser
DFDIdiffuse downward irradiance
DFGDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation)
DFIRdouble-fence intercomparison reference
DFRdual-frequency reflectivity ratio
DFTdensity functional theory
DGVMdynamic global vegetation model
DHARMADistributed Hydrodynamic Aerosol and Radiative Modeling Application
DHIdiffuse horizontal irradiance
DHRdifferential heating rate
DIALdifferential absorption lidar
DICEDiurnal Land/Atmosphere Coupling Experiment
DIRTMAPDust Indicators and Records in Terrestrial and Marine Paleoenvironments database
DISCOVER-AQDeriving Information on Surface conditions from Column and Vertically Resolved Observations Relevant to Air Quality
DISORTdiscrete ordinate radiative transfer
DLCAdiffusion-limited cluster aggregation
DLFdownwelling longwave flux
DLHdiode laser hygrometer
DLPNOdomain-based local pair-natural orbital
DLRDeutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt (German Aerospace Center)
DLSdynamic light scattering
DMAdifferential mobility analyzer or Defense Mapping Agency
DMANDynamic Model for Aerosol Nucleation
DMFData Management Facility or dry air mole fraction
DMODanish Meteorological Institute
DMPSdifferential mobility particle sizer
DMSData Management System
DMSPDefense Meteorological Satellite Program
DMTData Management Team or Droplet Measurement Technologies
DNIdirect normal irradiance
DNNdeep neural network
DNSdirect numerical simulation
DNSIdirect-normal solar irradiance
DOASdifferential optical absorption spectroscopy
DOCdissolved organic carbon
DODdata object design
DOEU.S. Department of Energy
DOFdepth of field
DOFSdegree of freedom for signal
DOIDigital Object Identifier
DOLCEDerived Optimal Linear Combination Evapotranspiration
DOMEXDominica Experiment
DOPdioctyl phthalate
DOSdioctyl sebacate
DOWDoppler on wheels: dual-polarization X-band Doppler radar
DOYday of year
DPRdual-frequency precipitation radar
DPVdiesel-powered vehicles
DQData Quality
DQ HandSData Quality Health and Status
DQARData Quality Assessment Report
DQMData Quality Manager
DQMSData Quality Management System
DQOData Quality Office
DQPRData Quality Problem Report
DQRData Quality Report
DRdepolarization ratio
DREdirect radiative effect
DRFdirect radiative forcing or direct radiative feedback or diurnal mean radiative forcing
DRFEdiurnal mean radiative forcing efficiency or diffuse radiation fertilization effect
DRIDesert Research Institute
DRUMDavis Rotating-drum Universal-size-cut Monitoring
DRUM-CPDRUM with Cold Plate
DSCdirected scattering coefficients
DSDdrop size distribution
DSEdry static energy
DSITData and Science Integration Team
DSLRdigital single-lens reflex
DSPdigital signal processor
DTLBdrained thaw lake basin
DTRdiurnal temperature range
DTSdistributed temperature sensing
DUPdust uplift potential
DVDDoppler velocity difference
DVMdynamic vegetation model
DWRdual-wavelength ratio
DYAMONDDynamics of the Atmospheric general circulation Modeled on Non-hydrostatic Domains
DYCOMS-IISecond Dynamics and Chemistry of Marine Stratocumulus Experiment
DYMECSDynamical and Microphysical Evolution of Convective Storms
DYNAMODynamics of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO)
DYPTOPDynamical Peatland Model Based on TOPMODEL
E-AIMExtended Aerosol Inorganics Model
E3SMEnergy Exascale Earth System Model
EAenvironmental assessment
EAGLESEnabling aerosol-cloud interactions at global convection-permitting scales
EAMv1-RRMEnergy Exascale Earth System Model Atmosphere Model version 1 Regionally Refined Model
EARLINETEuropean Aerosol Research Lidar Network
EASEEqual-Area Scalable Earth grid
EASMEast Asian summer monsoon
EASOEEuropean Arctic Stratospheric Ozone Experiment
EAST-AIRCEast Asian Studies of Tropospheric Aerosols and Impact on Regional Climate
EAST-AIREEast Asian Study of Tropospheric Aerosols: an International Regional Experiment
EBenergy balance
EBBRenergy balance bowen ratio
EBMenergy balance model
EBWDMentropy-based wavelet denoising method
ECExperiment Center or eddy correlation or eddy covariance or Environment Canada or elemental carbon
ECCelectrochemical cell
ECCCEnvironmental and Climate Change Canada
ECDLexternal cavity diode laser
ECHMEuropean Centre Hamburg Model
ECLelastic cloud lidar
ECLIPSExperimental Cloud Lidar Pilot Study
ECMWFEuropean Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
ECOReddy correlation or eddy correlation flux measurement system
ECOSTRESSECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station
ECPCExperimental Climate Prediction Center (Scripps Institution of Oceanography)
ECPPExplicit-Cloud Parameterized-Pollutant
ECREngineering Change Request
ECRPEarly Career Research Program (DOE)
ECSequilibrium climate sensitivity or effective climate sensitivity
ECVessential climate variable
EDexperiment design
EDASEta Data Assimilation System
EDCEROS Data Center (USGS)
EDDIEvaporative Demand Drought Index
EDGAREmissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research
EDMenvironmental dust monitor
EDRenergy dissipation rate
EDSenergy dispersive spectroscopy
EDXenergy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
EDXMAenergy dispersive X-ray microanalysis
EECRAExtended Edited Synoptic Cloud Reports Archive
EELSelectron energy loss spectroscopy
EEPROMelectrically erasable programmable read-only memory
EEREOffice of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (U.S. Department of Energy)
EESIextractive electrospray ionization
EFextended facility or evaporative fraction or emission factor
EF/TEMenergy filtered/transmission electron microscopy
EFEDAEuropean Field Experiment in a Desertification-threatened Area
EGAevolved gas analysis
EGFethanol growth factors
EGUelectric generation unit
EIelectron ionization
EILentrainment interfacial layer
EISestimated inversion strength
EKEeddy kinetic energy
ELequilibrium level
ELFextremely low frequency
ELPevaporated liquid particle
ELVOCextremely low-volatility organic compound
EMelectron microscopy
EMEPEuropean Monitoring of Environmental Pollution program or European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme
EMERALDEgrett Microphysics Experiment with Radiation, Lidar, and Dynamics
EMEXEquatorial Mesoscale Experiment
EMLEnvironmental Measurements Laboratory (DOE)
EMPMexplicit mixing parcel model
ENAEastern North Atlantic
ENCOREENsemble ClOud Retrieval
EnKFensemble adjustment Kalman filter
ENP/AEastern North Pacific/Atlantic
ENSOEl Nino-Southern Oscillation
ENTLNEarth Networks Total Lightning Network
ENVIEnvironment for Visualizing Images
ENVSATESA earth observation satellite (now inactive)
EOFempirical orthogonal functions
EOLEarth Observing Laboratory (NCAR)
EOMEaster Ocean Margin (CART site)
EOPexperiment operation plan or extended operational period
EOSEarth Observing System
EPAU.S. Environmental Protection Agency
EPCAPEEastern Pacific Cloud Aerosol Precipitation Experiment
EPICEastern Pacific Investigation of Climate
EPLABThe Eppley Laboratory, Inc.
EPRIElectric Power Research Institute
ERecosystem respiration
ERASMUSEvaluation of Routine Atmospheric Sounding Measurements using Unmanned Systems
ERASTEnvironmental Research Aircraft and Sensor Technology (NASA)
ERBEEarth Radiation Budget Experiment
ERFeffective radiative forcing
ERLEnvironmental Research Laboratory
ERL (SGP site)Electronics Repair Laboratory
ERMeddy-resolving model
EROSearth sciences resources observation systems
ERS-1European research satellite-1
ESAEuropean Space Agency or enhanced sounding array
ESCelectrified shower cloud
ESCAPEExperiment of Sea Breeze Convection, Aerosols, Precipitation and Environment
ESFTexponential sum fitting of transmission (technique)
ESGFEarth System Grid Federation
ESIelectrospray ionization
ESLCSEnhanced Soundings for Local Coupling Studies
ESMEarth System Modeling (U.S. DOE program)
ESM-SnowMIPEarth System Model Snow Model Intercomparison Project
ESMFEarth System Modeling Framework
ESMValToolEarth System Model Evaluation Tool
ESPEarth System Predictability
ESRLEarth System Research Laboratory (NOAA)
ESS-DIVEEnvironmental System Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem
ESTARelectronically scanned thinned array radiometer
ESTARFMEnhanced Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model
ETA/EDASETA Data Assimilation System
ETHecho top height
ETLEnvironmental Technology Laboratory (NOAA)
ETM+enhanced thematic mapper plus
EUCEquatorial Undercurrent
EUCREMEuropean Cloud-Resolving Modeling
EUCREXEuropean Cloud and Radiation Experiment
EUFAREuropean Facility for Airborne Research
EUMETSATEuropean Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites
EUREC4AElucidating the Role of Clouds-Circulation Coupling in Climate
EUROCSEuropean Project for Cloud Systems Studies
EUSAAREuropean Supersites for Atmospheric Aerosol Research
EVIenhanced vegetation index
EVSEarth Venture Suborbital
EWOEngineering Work Order
ExINP-SGPExamining the Ice-Nucleating Particles from Southern Great Plains
FAAFederal Aviation Administration
FAAMFacility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements (UK)
FACEFree-Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment
FADfrequency-by-altitude diagram
FAIRFindable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable
FANFederated Aerosol Network (NOAA)
FAOFlatland Atmospheric Observatory
FARLABFacility for Advanced Isotopic Research and Monitoring of Weather, Climate and Biogeochemical Cycling (University of Bergen, Norway)
FARMSFast All-sky Radiation Model for Solar applications
FARMS-DNIFast All-sky Radiation Model for Solar applications with Direct Normal Irradiance
FASCODEFast Atmospheric Signature Code
FASEFASCODE for the environment
FASINEXFirst Air-Sea Interaction Experiment
FASTERFAst-physics System TEstbed and Research (a BNL project)
FBAPfluorescent biological aerosol particle
FCCfractional cloud cover
FCCSETFederal Coordinating Council on Science, Engineering, and Technology
FCDPfast cloud droplet probe
FDDAfour-dimensional data assimilation
FDTDfinite-dimensional data assimilation or finite-difference time domain
FE-SEMfield emission scanning electron microscope
FFPFlux Footprint Prediction
FFSSPfast-forwarding scattering spectrometer probe
FFTfast Fourier transform
FFVfactorized finite volume
FIAForest Inventory and Analysis
FIDOField Instrument Deployments and Operations
FIDUCEOFidelity and Uncertainty in Climate Data record from Earth Observations
FIEfirst aerosol indirect effect
FIFEFirst ISLSCP Field Experiment
FIGAEROfilter inlet for gases and aerosols
FIMSfast integrating mobility spectrometer
FIRfinite impulse response
FIREFirst ISCCP Regional Experiment
FireMIPFire Modeling Intercomparison Project
FIREX-AQFire Influence on Regional to Global Environments and Air Quality campaign
FIRMSFire Information for Resource Management System (NASA)
FIRSTFar-Infrared Spectroscopy of the Troposphere
FLAASHFast Line-of-Sight Atmospheric Analysis of Hypercubes
FLAME-IVFourth Fire Lab at Missoula Experiment
FLEXTRKRFlexible Object Tracker
FLORForecast-Oriented Low Ocean Resolution
FLRTflexible, longwave, radiative transfer
FMCWFrequency Modulated Continuous Wave
FMFfine mode fraction
FMIFinnish Meteorological Institute
FNMOCFleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center
FONSIfinding of no significant impact
FOOfrequency of occurrence
ForestGEOForest Global Earth Observatory
FORJfiber optic rotary joint
ForTraCCForecasting and Tracking the evolution of Cloud Clusters
FOVfield of view
FPARfraction of photosynthetically active radiation
FPHfrost point hygrometer
fpsframes per second
FRAM-IFFog Remote Sensing and Modeling-Ice Fog
FROSTFront Range Orographic Storms
FRPfire radiative power
FRSRfast rotating shadowband radiometer
FSBRfractional solar broadband radiometer
FSDfractional standard deviation
FSLForecast Systems Laboratory (NOAA)
FSSPforward scattering spectrometer probe
FTfree troposphere
FT-ICRFourier transform ion cyclotron resonance
FTIRfourier transform infrared radiometer
FTRHfree tropospheric relative humidity
FTSFourier transform spectrometer
FWHMfull width at half maximum
FWIFractional Water Index
FWSCfair-weather shallow cumulus
FYFiscal Year
FZLfreezing level
GAGeoscience Australia or genetic algorithm
GACglobal area coverage
GALEGenesis of Atmosphere Lows Experiment
GALIONGAW Aerosol LIdar Observing Network
GAPDGeiger-mode avalanche photo diode detector
GAPEXGround-based Atmospheric Profiling Experiment
GAPPGEWEX Americas Prediction Project
GARPGlobal Atmospheric Research Program
GASSglobal atmospheric system studies
GATEGARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment
GAUSGPS Advanced Upper-Air Sounding System
GAWGlobal Atmosphere Watch
GC-ECDgas chromatograph-electron capture detector
GC-ITMSgas chromatograph ion trap mass spectrometer
GC-MSgas chromatograph-mass spectrometer
GCCNgiant cloud condensation nuclei
GCDGlobal Charcoal Database
GCEGoddard Cumulus Ensemble model
GchM-OGlobal Chemistry Model driven by observed meteorology
GCIPGEWEX Continental-Scale International Project
GCMGeneral Circulation Model
GCMSgas chromatography mass spectrometry
GCOSGlobal Climate Observing System
GCPMglobal convection-permitting model
GCSSGEWEX Cloud System Study
GCWGlobal Cryosphere Watch
GDALGeospatial Data Abstraction Library
GDASGlobal Data Assimilation System
GDEMGlobal Digital Elevation Model
GEAgeneric enhanced absorption
GEBAGlobal Energy Balance Archive
GECglobal electric circuit
GECKO-AGenerator of Explicit Chemistry and Kinetics of Organics in the Atmosphere
GEDIGlobal Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation
GEFSGlobal Ensemble Forecast System
GEISAGestion et Etude des Informations Spectroscopiques Atmospheriques
GEMGlobal Ecosystem Monitoring network or Global Environmental Multiscale model
GEMSGlobal Environmental Monitoring System
GENESISGlobal Environmental and Ecological Simulation of Interactive Systems
GEOSGoddard Earth Observing System
GERBGeostationary Earth Radiation Budget
GES DISCGoddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (NASA)
GEWEXGlobal Energy and Water Experiment
GFgrowth factor
GFAgeophysical focus area
GFASGlobal Fire Assimilation System
GFDLGeophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
GFEDGlobal Fire Emissions Database
GFEMGalerkin finite element method
GFSGlobal Forecasting System (NCEP)
GHCNGlobal Historic Climatology Network
GHIglobal horizontal irradiance
GIEMSGlobal Inundation Extent from Multi-Satellites
GIFGuest Instrument Facility (at ARM SGP site)
GIFTSGeostationary Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer
GIIRSGeostationary Interferometric Infrared Sounder
GIMgeostatistical inverse modeling
GIPSY-OASISGNSS-Inferred Positioning System and Orbit Analysis Simulation Software
GISgeophysical information system
GISSGoddard Institute for Space Studies
GISTGEWEX Integrated System Test
GLACEGlobal Land-Atmosphere Coupling Experiment
GLAFOSGEWEX Land-Atmosphere Feedback Observatories
GLASGeoscience Laser Altimeter System
GLASSGlobal Land-Atmosphere System Study
GLCTSGlobal Land Cover Test Site
GLDASGlobal Land Data Assimilation System
GLEAMGlobal Land Evaporation Amsterdam Model
GLENSGeoengineering Large Ensemble Project
GLMgeneralized linear model or Geostationary Lightning Mapper
GLOground-level ozone
GloBEISGlobal Biosphere Emissions and Interactions System
GLODAPGlobal Ocean Data Analysis Project
GLOMAPGlobal Model of Aerosol Processes
GMAOGlobal Modeling and Assimilation Office (NASA)
GMCCGeophysical Monitoring for Climate Change (NOAA)
GMDGlobal Monitoring Division
GMIGPM Microwave Imager
GMMIPGlobal Monsoon Model Intercomparison Project
GMSgeostationary meteorological satellite or gross moist stability
GMSLGlobal Mean Sea Level
GMSTglobal mean surface temperature
GMTGreenwich Mean Time
GNDRADground radiometers on stand for upwelling radiation
GNDVIgreen normalized difference vegetation index
GNSSGlobal Navigation Satellite System
GO-SHIPGlobal Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program
GOAMAZONObservations and Modeling of the Green Ocean Amazon
GOBMglobal ocean biogeochemical model
GOCARTGoddard Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport model
GODASGlobal Ocean Data Assimilation System
GOESGeostationary Operational Environmental Satellite
GoMACCSGulf of Mexico Atmospheric Composition and Climate Study
GOMEGlobal Ozone Monitoring Experiment
GOSATGreenhouse gases Observing SATellite
GPCCGlobal Precipitation Climatology Centre
GPCIGCSS Pacific Cross-Section Intercomparison
GPCPGlobal Precipitation Climatology Project
GPHgeopotential height
GPMGlobal Precipitation Measurement mission (NASA)
GPM DPRGlobal Precipitation Measurement Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar
GPPgross primary productivity
GPRGaussian Processes Regression
GPSglobal positioning system
GPS ROglobal positioning system radio occultation
GPVgasoline-powered vehicles
GRACEGravity Recovery And Climate Experiment
GRAMSground radiation measurement system
GRDCGlobal Runoff Data Center
GrISGreenland Ice Sheet
GRISTGlobal-to-Regional Integrated forecast System
GRMDMGeneralized Refractive Mixing Dielectric Model
GROGRATGravity wave Regional OR Global Ray Tracer model
GRUANGCOS Reference Upper-Air Network
GRVIgreen-red vegetation index
GSAglobal sensitivity analysis
GSATglobal surface air temperature
GSDgeometric standard deviation
GSFCGoddard Space Flight Center
GSIGridpoint Statistical Interpolation
GSLGlobal Systems Laboratory
GSMglobal spectral model
GSPOGlobal Studies Program Office
GSRMglobal storm-resolving model
GSWP3Global Soil Wetness Project 3
GTCgrowth tube collector
GTE/ABLEGlobal Tropospheric Experiment/Atmospheric Boundary Layer Experiment
GTSglobal telecommunications system
GUANGCOS Upper Air Network or German Ultrafine Aerosol Network
GUIgraphical user interface
GVAPGEWEX Water Vapor Project
GVAXGanges Valley Aerosol Experiment
GVDgradient of Doppler velocity
GVFGreenness Vegetation Fraction
GVRG-band (183 GHz) vapor radiometer
GVRPG-band (183 GHz) vapor radiometer profiler
GWTSAgamma-weighed two-stream approximation
HadGEM2-ESHadley Centre Global Environmental Model version 2, earth system configuration
HadISSTHadley Centre Sea Ice and Sea Surface Temperature data set
HADSHydrometeorological Automated Data System
HAFSHurricane Analysis and Forecasting System
HAIC-HIWCHigh Altitude Ice Crystals-High Ice Water Content Project
HALOEHalogen Occultation Experiment
HAMSRhigh-altitude MMIC sounding radiometer
HAPEXHydrology Atmosphere Pilot Experiment
HARIMAUHydrometeorological Array for Interseasonal Variation-Monsoon Automonitoring
HARPHIAPER Airborne Radiation Package or Hawaiian Warm Rain Project
HATPROHumidity and Temperature Profiler
HAWKSHITRAN Atmospheric Workstation
HBLhurricane boundary layer
HBMIHoward Beltsville MWR Intercomparison
HCAhydrometeor classification algorithm
HCFheated condensation framework
HCRHIAPER Cloud Radar or horizontal convective roll
HD(CP)2High-Definition Cloud and Precipitation for Advancing Climate Prediction
HDFHeirarchical Data Format
HDOPHorizontal dilution of precision
HDPEhigh-density polyethylene
HDRhigh dynamic range
HEAhigh-energy approximation
HEPAhigh-efficiency particulate air (filter)
HERBHydrologic Cycle and Earth Radiation Budget
HEVIHorizontally Explicit Vertically Implicit
HFIPHurricae Forecasting Improvement Project (NOAA)
HGFhygroscopic growth factors
HI-SCALEHolistic Interactions of Shallow Clouds, Aerosols, and Land-Ecosystems
HIAPERHigh-performance Instrumented Airborne Platform for Environmental Research
HighResMIPHigh-Resolution Model Intercomparison Project
HiLaMSHigh-Latitude Measurement of Snowfall
HiLAT-RASMHigh-Latitude Application and Testing of Earth System Models-Regional Arctic System Model (DOE)
HINChorizontal ice nucleation chamber
HIPPOHIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations
HiRAMHigh-Resolution Atmospheric Model
HIRLAMhigh-resolution limited area model
HIRSHigh-Resolution Infrared Radiation Scanner
HIShigh-resolution interferometer spectrometer or hyperspectral imaging
HITRANhigh-resolution transmission
HiWATERHeihe watershed allied telemetry experimental research
HLhigh latitude
HMQCheteronuclear multiple quantum coherence
HMThydrometeorological testbed
HOAhydrocarbon-like organic aerosol
HOBEHydrological Observatory and Exploratorium (Danish)
HOLODECholographic detector for clouds
HOMhighly oxidized molecule or highly oxygenated molecule or Holmes Moss (UK)
HOMMEHigh Order Method Modeling Environment
HONERhemispherical optimized new radiometer
HOPEHigh-Definition Clouds and Precipitation Observational Prototype Experiment or Hamburg Ocean Primitive Equation
HPLChigh-performance liquid chromatography
HPRhigh-pressure ridge
HRheating rate
HR ToF-CIMShigh-resolution time-of-flight chemical ionization mass spectrometer
HR-ESI/MShigh-resolution electrospray ionization mass spectrometry
HRDLhigh-resolution doppler lidar
HRLDASHigh-Resolution Land Data Assimilation System
HRMShigh-resolution mass spectrometry
HRRRHigh-Resolution Rapid Refresh
HSDhydrometeor size distribution
HSFOVRhemispherical field of view radiometer
HSIhemispheric sky imager
HSRHIhemispheric range height indicator
HSRLhigh-spectral-resolution lidar
HSVDhydrometeor velocity size detector
HTAPHemispheric Transport of Air Pollution emissions inventory
HTDMAhygroscopic tandem differential mobility analyzer
HUCMHebrew University of Jerusalem Cloud Model
HULIShumic-like substances
HUMEX -- IHumidity Experiment - Infrared
HVPShigh-volume precipitation spectrometer
HVSDhydrometer velocity and shape detector
HWRFHurricane Weather Research and Forecasting
HWTHazardous Weather Testbed (NOAA)
HYSPLITHybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory
IABPInternational Arctic Buoy Programme
IAGOSIn-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System or In-flight Atmospheric Observing System
IAMincidence angle modifier or integrated assessment model
IAMASInternational Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science
IAPin situ aerosol profile
IARPCInteragency Arctic Research Policy
IASC-AWGInternational Arctic Science Committee-Atmosphere Working Group
IASIinfrared atmospheric sounding interferometer
IASOAInternational Arctic Systems for Observing the Atmosphere
IATAInternational Air Transport Association
IAVinterannual variability
IBBCEESIncoherent Broadband Cavity Enhanced Extinction spectrometer
IBTrACSInternational Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship
ICion chromatography
ICAindependent column approximation
ICAMSInteragency Council for Advancing Meteorological Services
ICARTTInternational Consortium for Atmospheric Research on Transport and Transformation
ICARUSInaugural Campaigns for ARM Research using Unmanned Systems
ICCAGRAInteragency Coordinating Committee for Airborne Geosciences Research and Applications (U.S. Government)
ICEInterface Configuration Experiment
ICE-LIce in Clouds Experiment-Layers
ICE-TIce in Clouds Experiment-Tropical
ICEALOTInternational Chemistry Experiment in the Arctic Lower Troposphere
ICECAPSe Integrated Characterization of Energy, Clouds, Atmospheric state, and Precipitation at Summit Program
ICESatIce, Clouds, and Land Elevation Satellite
ICIInfrared Cloud Imager
ICICLEIn-Cloud Icing and Large-drop Experiment
ICLintegrated cloud liquid or interband cascade laser
ICOADSInternational Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set
ICOSIntegrated Carbon Observation System or Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy
ICPinductively coupled plasma-based techniques
ICP-AESinductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy
ICP-OESinductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy
ICPMInternational Commission on Polar Meteorology
ICPRintegrated cross-polarization ratio
ICRCCMIntercomparison of Radiation Codes in Climate Models
ICTPAbdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics
IDASSintegrated data assimilation and sounding system
IDEAS-2011Instrumentation Development and Education in Airborne Science 2011 (NSF)
IDLinteractive data language
IDPInstrument Development Program
IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEPOX SOAisoprene-epoxydiol-derived secondary organic aerosol
IFintermediate frequency or ice fog
IFAintensive flux array
IFFExOIce Fog Field Experiment at Oliktok Point
IFNice-forming nuclei
IFOintensive field observation
IFOVinstantaneous field of view
IFREMERInstitut Francais pour la Recherche et l'Exploitation de la MER
IGACInternational Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project
IGBIndo-Gangetic Basin
IGBPInternational Geosphere Biosphere Programme
IGEInstitut des Geosciences de L'Environnement
IGIMInteragency Group on Integrative Modeling
IGOMimproved geometric optics method
IGPIndo-Gangetic Plain
IGRinherent growth rate
IGRAIntegrated Global Radiosonde Archive (NOAA)
IGSInternational GNSS Service
IGWinertio-gravity wave
IHOPInternational H2O Project
IIASAInternational Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
IIDCInstrumentation and Industrial Digital Camera
IIOEInternational Indian Ocean Expedition
IITMIndian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
ILAMBInternational Land Model Benchmarking
ILSinstrument line shape
ILWintegrated liquid water
IMBInfrastructure Management Board
IMBIEIce Sheet Mass Balance Inter-comparison Exercise
IMDIndian Meteorological Department
IMERGIntegrated Multi-satellite Retrievals for Global Precipitation Measurement
IMFCintegrated moisture flux convergence
IMGInterferometric Monitor of Greenhouse Gases
IMMSInstrument Mentor Monthly Summary
IMPACTIntegrated Massively Parallel Atmospheric Chemistry Transport model
IMPACTSInvestigation of Microphysics and Precipitation for Atlantic Coast-Threatening Snowstorms
IMPROVEInteragency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (U.S.) or Improvement of Microphysical Parameterization through Observational Verification Experiment
IMRice mixing ratio
IMSInteractive Multisensor Snow and Ice Mapping System or ion mobility spectrometry
INice nuclei
INASice nucleation active site
INCAInterhemispheric difference in cirrus properties from anthropogenic emissions
INDOEXIndian Ocean Experiment
INFLAMEIn situ Net Flux with the Atmosphere of Earth
INPice-nucleating particle
INPAInstituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia
INPEInstituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais
INPOPIce Nucleating Particles at Oliktok Point
INRAInstitut National de la Recherche Agronomique (France)
INSInertial Navigation System
INSTAARInstitute of Arctic and Alpine Research
INTERACTInternational Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic
INTEX-BIntercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment-Phase B
InvCMinverse climate modeling
IODIndian Ocean dipole
IOPintensive operational period
IOTInternet of things
IPAindependent pixel approximation
IPASice particle aggregate simulator
IPASRCInternational Pyrgeometer and Absolute Sky-scanning Radiometer Comparison
IPCInternational Pyrheliometer Comparison
IPCCIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IPEXIntermountain Precipitation Experiment
IPHEXintegrated Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment
IPMinstrument performance model
IPMAInstituto Portugues do Mar e da Atmosfera
IPNintegrated photoacoustic-nephelometer
IPOInterdecadal Pacific Oscillation
IPRCInternational Pacific Research Center
IPSLInstitut Pierre-Simon Laplace
IPYInternational Polar Year
IRBTinfrared brightness temperature
IRFinstantaneous radiative flux
IRGAinfrared gas analyzer
IRIInternational Research Institute for Climate and Society
IRICPInternational Research Institute for Climate Prediction
IRISintegrating sphere infrared radiometer
IRISSIntegrated Remote and In Situ Sensing
IRSIinfrared sky imager
IRTinfrared thermometer
ISice spectrometer
ISANisentropic analysis
ISARInfrared Sea Surface Temperature Autonomous Radiometer
ISCCPInternational Satellite Cloud Climatology Project
ISDACIndirect and Semi-Direct Aerosol Campaign
ISHMAELIce-Spheroids Habit Model with Aspect-Ration Evolution
ISIMIPInter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project
ISISIntegrated Surface Irradiance Study
ISLASIsotopic Links to Atmospheric Water's Sources
ISLSCPInternational Satellite Land Surface Climatology Project
ISMIndian summer monsoon
ISMARInternational Sub-millimeter Airborne Radiometer
ISMIPIce Sheet Model Intercomparison Project
ISMNInternational Soil Moisture Network
ISOInternational Organization for Standardization or intraseasonal oscillation
ISOPOOHisoprene hydroxy hydroperoxide
ISROIndian Space Research Organization
ISSintegrated sounding system
ISTIInternational Surface Temperature Initiative
ISVHEIntraseasonal Variability Hindcast Experiment
ISWPintraseasonal westward-propagating signal
ITinstrument team
ITCZintertropical convergence zone
ITEXInternational Tundra Experiment or Island Thunderstorm Experiment
ITFIntertropical Front
ITOPIntercontinental Transport of Ozone and Precursors experiment
ITPIce-tethered profiler
ITPPInternational TOVS Processing Package
IVOCintermediate-volatility organic compound
IVTintegrated vapor transport
IWCice water content
IWPice water path
IWRFIntegrated Weather Radar Facility
IWVintegrated water vapor
JACCSJapanese Cloud and Climate Study
JAMSTECJapanese Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
JASMINEJoint Air-Sea Monsoon Interaction Experiment
JAXAJapan Aerospace Exploration Agency
JDJulian Day
JFDjoint frequency distribution
JHWRPJoint Hawaiian Warm Rain Project
JISAOJoint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean
JOSSJoint Office for Science Support
JOYCEJulich Observatory for Cloud Evolution (Germany)
JPEGJoint Photographic Expert Group file format
JPLJet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA)
JPSSJoint Polar Satellite System
JULESJoint UK Land Environment Simulator
JWDJoss-Waldvogel disdrometer
KaRVIRKa-band rapid volume imaging radar
KASPRKa-band scanning polarimetric radar
KBDIKeetch-Byram Drought Index
KDEkernel density equivalent
KDGPAPSKennaook/Cape Grim Baseline Air Pollution Station
KF-CuPKain--Fritsch cumulus potential
KM-SUBkinetic multi-layer model of aerosol surface and bulk chemistry
KNMIRoyal Netherlands Meteorological Institute
KRAQNbKorea Air Quality Network
KSCKennedy Space Center (NASA)
KWAJEXKwajalein Field Experiment
LAAPTOFlaser ablation aerosol particle time-of-flight mass spectrometer
LABLELower Atmospheric Boundary Layer Experiment
LAClight-absorbing carbon
LACISLeipzig Aerosol Cloud Interaction Simulator
LACOLaboratory for Aerosol and Cloud Optics
LAFELand-Atmosphere Feedback Experiment
LAIleaf area index
Lake-ICELake-Induced Convection Experiment
LAMPASlaser mass analysis of particles in the airborne state
LAMSlimited area models
LANCELand, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (NASA)
LANDSAT-TMLand Satellite Thematic Mapper
LANLLos Alamos National Laboratory
LAOClight-absorbing organic carbon
LAPSLocal Analysis and Prediction System or light-absorbing particles
LARCLangely Research Center (NASA)
LASlaser aerosol spectrometer
LASELidar Atmospheric Sensing Experiment
LASICLayered Atlantic Smoke Interactions with Clouds
LASPLASTLeicester Along-Track Scanning Radiometer and Sea Surface Temperature Radiometer Processor for Land Surface Temperature
LASSOLES ARM Symbiotic Simulation and Observation
LBALarge-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia
LBCLliquid-bearing cloud layer
LBLRTMLine-By-Line Radiative Transfer Model
LBNLLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
LBTMLayered Bispectral Threshold Method
LCHLSLand Cover Heterogeneity Length Scale
LCLlifting condensation level
LDARLightning Detection and Ranging
LDASLand Data Assimilation Project
LDEOLamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
LDIlaser desorption ionization
LDISlaser disdrometer
LDLSlaser-driven light source
LDNLightening Detection Network (U.S.)
LDRlinear depolarization ratio
LElatent energy
LEADEXLead Experiment
LEDlight-emitting diode
LED-CE-DOASlight-emitting diode cavity-enhanced differential optical absorption spectroscopy
LEMLagrangian-Eulerian Model
LESlarge-eddy simulation
LFClevel of free convection
LGMlast glacial maximum
LHlatent heat
LHFlatent heat flux
LIlifted index
LIFlaser-induced fluorescence or laser-induced fluorescence
LIFTLidars in Flat Terrain Experiment
LIIlaser-induced incandescence
LIMlinear inverse model
LIMSLimb Infrared Monitor of the Stratosphere
LINDALED-Based Ice Nucleation Detection Apparatus
LIP or Lightning Instrument Package (NASA)localized intensification of precipitation
LIRADlidar-infrared radiometer
LISLand Information System (NASA)
LITELidar In-space Technology Experiment
LLJlow-level jet
LLNLLawrence Livermore National Laboratory
LMALightning Mapping Array
LMBlevel of maximum buoyancy
LMDLaboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique or level of maximum detrainment
LMMSlaser microprobe mass spectrometry
LMOSLake Michigan Ozone Study
LMSleast median squares
LNliquid nitrogen
LNAlow noise amplifier
LNBlevel of neutral buoyancy
LoCoLocal Land-Atmosphere Coupling project
LODlimit of detection
LOESSlocally estimated scatterplot smoothing
LOPESlong path extinction spectrometer
LP DAACLand Processes Distributed Active Archive Center
LPDMLagrangian Particle Dispersion Model
LPIlow-pressure impactor
LPLlifted parcel layer
LPMliters per minute or laser precipitation monitor
LPRMLand Parameter Retrieval Model
LPVEXLight Precipitation Validation Experiment
LRTlong-range transport or local recommendation team
LRUlowest replaceable units (spare/replacement parts)
LS-SP-AMSlight-scattering soot particle aerosol mass spectrometer
LS3MIPLand Surface, Snow and Soil Moisture Model Intercomparison Program
LSATland surface air temperature
LSCELaboratoire des Sciences du Climat et l'Environnement (France)
LSEland surface emissivity
LSFEMleast-squares finite element method
LSMland surface model
LSNlight snow
LSPland surface parameterization or light scattering particle
LSTlocal solar time or local standard time or land surface temperature
LTElocal thermodynamic equilibrium
LTERLong-Term Ecological Research Network
LTSlower tropospheric stability
LUCland use category
LUCIDLand-Use and Climate, IDentification of robust impacts
LUElight use efficiency
LULCCland use and land cover change
LUMIPLand Use Model Intercomparison Project
LUTlook up table
LV-OOAlow-volatility oxygenated organic aerosol
LVOClow-volatility organic compound
LWCliquid water content
LWCFlongwave cloud forcing
LWDNSurface downward longwave radiation
LWEliquid water equivalent
LWPliquid water path
LWRlongwave radiation
LWSIland surface water index
LWUPsurface upward longwave radiation
M-PACEMixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment
MAAPmultiple angle absorption photometer
MAASMultisensor Agile Adaptive Sampling
MABNAGModel for Acid-Base chemistry in NAnoparticle Growth
MACmass absorption cross-section or mass absorption coefficient
MACCMonitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate
MACEMulti-Spectral Atmospheric Column Extinction
MACPEXMiddle Latitude Airborne Cirrus Properties Experiment
MADEModel Aerosol Dynamics Model for Europe
MADRIDModel of Aerosol Dynamics, Reaction, Ionization, and Dissolution
MAEmass absorption efficiency or mean absolute error
MAERImarine atmospheric emitted radiance interferometer
MAGICMarine ARM GPCI Investigation of Clouds
MAGICCMeasurement of Atmospheric Gases Influencing Climate Change
MAIACMulti-Angle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction (MODIS)
MALSmulti-angle elastic light scattering
MAMModal Aerosol Module
MAPPModeling, Analysis, Prediction and Projection (NOAA program) or microphysical aerosol properties from polarimetry
MAPRmultiple antenna profiling radar
MAPSMesoscale Analysis and Prediction System
MAQNETmulti-scale air quality network
MARCUSMeasurement of Aerosols, Radiation and Clouds over the Southern Oceans
MASMODIS airborne simulator
MASCMulti-Angle Snowflake Camera
MASEMArine Stratus Experiment
MASRADMarine Stratus Radiation Aerosol and Drizzle
MASTMonterey Area Ship Track Experiment
MATCHModel for Atmosphere Transport and Chemistry
MAX-MexMegacity Aerosol eXperiment - Mexico City
MBAmarine biogenic aerosol
MBEmean bias error
MBLmarine boundary layer
MC3EMidlatitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment
MCAOmarine cold air outbreak
MCBHmultiple cloud base height
MCCmesoscale convective complex or mesoscale cellular convection
MCEmodified combustion efficiency or mesoscale cloud ensemble
MCICAMonte Carlo Independent Column Approximation
MCIDASman-computer interactive data analysis system
MCMMaster Chemical Mechanism
MCMCMarkov chain Monte Carlo
MCMSModeling, Analysis and Prediction Climatology of Midlatitude Storminess database (NASA)
MCPCmixing condensation particle counter
MCSmesoscale convective system
MCSSTmultichannel sea surface temperature
MCTEXMaritime Continent Thunderstorm Experiment
MDFmodel-data fusion
MDFAmicrofluidic droplet freezing array
MDNmeta data navigator
mdrminimum detectable radiance
MDSmeta data system
MDTERPMaryland Terrestrial Radiation Package
MDVmean Doppler velocity
MEmodulation efficiency
MEDmass equivalent diameter
MEEmass extinction efficiency
MEFOManitou Experimental Forest Observatory
MEGANModel of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature
MEICMulti-resolution Emission Inventory for China
MERISmedium-resolution imaging spectrometer
MERRAModern Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications
MESHmaximum expected size of hail
METMeteorological Instrumentation at AMF
MetUMMet Office Unified Model (UK)
MEXMexico City
MFCmoisture flux convergence or mass flow controller
MFRmulti-filter radiometer
MFRIRTmultifilter radiometer and infrared thermometer
MFRSRmulti-filter rotating shadowband radiometer
MHSMicrowave Humidity Sounder
MICAMorphological Index of Convective Aggregation
MICREMacquarie Island Cloud and Radiation Experiment
MidCiXMidlatitude Cirrus Experiment
MILAGROMegacity Initiative: Local and Global Research Observations
MIMDmultiple instruction multiple data
miniSPLATminiaturized single-particle mass spectrometer
MINTMicrofluidic Ice Nucleation Technique
MINXMISR Interactive Explorer
MIPmodel intercomparison project
MIPSmobile integrated profiling system
MIRmillimeter-wave imaging radiometer
MIRAGEModel for Integrated Research on Atmospheric Global Exchanges
MIROCModel for Interdisciplinary Research on Climate
MIRSMicrowave Integrated Retrieval System
MISIMarine Ice Sheet Instability
MISMOMirai Indian Ocean Cruise for the Study of the MJO Convection Onset
MISOmonsoon intraseasonal oscillation
MISRmulti-angle imaging spectroradiometer
MISSmobile integrated sounding system
MISTmultiple instruments stackable tower
MIZmarginal ice zone
MIZOPEXMarginal Ice Zone Observations and Processes Experiment
MJOMadden-Julian Oscillation
MJYMellor-Yamada-Janjic (a PBL modeling scheme)
MLmixing layer or melting layer or machine learning
MLCmulti-layer clouds
MLDmixed-layer depth
MLRmultinominal logistic regression
MLSmid-latitude summer or microwave limb sounder
MLWmid-latitude winter
MMmobile mesonet
MM5Mesoscale Meteorology model version 5
MMCRmillimeter wave cloud radar or multimode cloud radar
MMDmean mass diameter
MMFmulti-scale modeling framework
MMICmonolithic microwave integrated circuit
MMRmass mixing ratio
MMTPmicrowave temperature profiler
MNMBmodified normalized mean biases
MNSPmultiplicative-noise stochastic physics
MOAmarine organic aerosol or memorandum of agreement
MOAPPMulti-Object Analysis of Atmospheric Phenomenon
MOASMicrowave Oxygen Absorption Study
MOCmeridional overturning circulation
MOCCHAMicrobiology-Ocean-Cloud Coupling in the High Arctic
MODISmoderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer
MODMmonochromatic optical depth
MODTRANmoderate-resolution atmospheric radiance and transmittance model
MOHCMet Office Hadley Centre (UK)
MOImicro-orifice impactor
MOLTSmodel output location time series
MOONLIGHTMonoterpene and Oxygenated aromatic Oxidation at Night and under LIGHTS
MOPmemorandum of participation
MOPAmaster oscillator power amplifier
MOPCminiaturized optical particle counter
MOPDmaximum optical path difference
MOPEXModel Parameter Estimation Experiment
MOPITTmeasurements of pollution in the troposphere
MORMeteorological Optical Range
MOSAICModel for Simulating Aerosol Interactions and Chemistry or Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate
MOSTMonin-Obukhov similarity theory
MOUmemorandum of understanding
MOUDImicro-orifice uniform deposit impactor
MOUDI-DFTMulti-Orifice Uniform Deposition Impaction - Droplet Freezing Technique
MOVImicro-orifice volatilization impactor
MOZAICMeasurement of Ozone and Water Vapor by Airbus in-service Aircraft
MOZARTModel for Ozone and Related chemical Tracers
MPASModel for Prediction Across Scales
MPCmixed-phase cloud
MPEmaximum permisiable exposure or multisensor precipitation estimate
MPEGMoving Picture Expert Group file format
MPEXMesoscale Predictability Experiment
MPIMax Planck Institute or Message Passing Interface
MPI-MMax Planck Institute for Meteorology
MPICMax Planck Institute for Chemistry
MPIRmulti-spectral pushbroom imaging radiometer
MPLmicropulse lidar
MPMMillimeter-wave Propagation Model
MPSSmobility particle size spectrometer
MRASmesoscale radiatively-induced anvil spreading
MRCMission Research Corporation
MRDSSMcGill Radar Doppler Spectra Simulator
MRFmedium-range forecast
MRGmixed Rossby-gravity
MRIMeteorological Research Institute (Japan) or magnetic resonance imaging
MRMSmulti-radar multi-sensor
MROmaximum-random overlap
MRRmicro rain radar
MSmarine stratus
MS-DAMultiscale Data Assimilation
MSCmultichannel scaler card
MSEmoist static energy
MSFESMie solution for equivalent spheres
MSGMeteosat Second Generation
MSLmean sea level
MSLPmean sea level pressure
MSMMmeasurement system maturity matrix
MSSmulti-spectral scanner
MSSAmulti-channel singular spectral analysis
MsTMIPMulti-scale Synthesis & Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project
MSXMid-Course Space Experiment
MTBSMonitoring Trends in Burn Severity data set
MTPmicrowave temperature profiler
MTVDIModified Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index
MUCAPEmost unstable convective available potential energy
MUCINmost-unstable convective inhibition
MWISPMount Washington Icing Sensors Program
MWMFOCmulti-wavelength multifield of view
MWRmicrowave radiometer
MWR3Cmicrowave radiometer, 3-channel
MWRPmicrowave radiometer profiler
MWSRmicrowave water substance radiometer
MYNNMellor-Yamada-Nakanishi-Niino planetary boundary-layer parameterization scheme
N-ICENorwegian Young Sea Ice Experiment
NAAMESNorth Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecoystems Study
NAAPSNavy Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System
NAAQSNational Ambient Air Quality Standard
NABNational Allergy Bureau
NADANorth American Drought Atlas
NAEINational Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (UK)
NAISneutral air ion spectrometer
NALMANorth Alabama Lightning Mapping Array
NAMNorth American Model or Northern Annular Mode
NAMENocturnal Avian Migration Experiment or North American Monsoon Experiment
NAMMANASA African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analyses
NAMSnanoaerosol mass spectrometer
NAONorth Atlantic Oscillation
NARCCAPNorth American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program
NARENorth Atlantic Regional Experiment
NARLNaval Arctic Research Laboratory
NARRNorth American Regional Reanalysis
NASNational Academy of Science (U.S.)
NASANational Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASCENTNy-Alesund Aerosol Cloud Experiment
NASDAJapanese National Space Development Agency
NAST-INPOESS Aircraft Sounding Testbed-Interferometer
NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization
NAVGEMNavy Global Environmental Model
NAVMETOCNaval Meteorology and Oceanography
NBLnocturnal boundary layer
NBPnet biosphere productivity
NCARNational Center for Atmospheric Research
NCASNOAA Center for Atmospheric Sciences or National Centre for Atmospheric Science (UK)
NCCNorwegian Climate Centre
NCCSNASA Center for Climate Simulation
NCDCNational Climatic Data Center
NCEINational Centers for Environmental Information
NCEONational Centre for Earth Observation (UK)
NCEPNational Centers for Environmental Prediction
NCEP GFSNational Centers for Environmental Prediction Forecasting System
NCFRnarrow cold-front rainband
NCONepal Climate Observatory
NCPNormalized Coherent Power
NCSSNational Cooperative Soil Survey
NDACCNetwork for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change
NDBCNational Data Buoy Center
NDFDNational Digital Forecast Database
NDIRnondispersive infrared
NDNRnormalized differences of nadir reflectivity
NDSVInormalized difference senescent vegetation index
NDTInormalized difference tillage index
NDVINormalized Difference Vegetation Index
NEAQSNew England Air Quality Study
NEAXNortheast Aerosol Experiment
NEDNational Elevation Dataset
NEDISNational Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service (NOAA)
NEEnet ecosystem exchange
NEINational Emissions Inventory (U.S. EPA)
NEONNational Ecological Observatory Network
NEPnoise equivalent power or net ecosystem production
NEPANational Environmental Policy Act of 1969
NERCNational Environment Research Council (UK)
NERSCNational Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (DOE)
NESDISNational Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service
NetCDFNetwork Common Data Form
NEWSNASA Energy and Water cycle Study
NEXAFSnear-edge X-ray absorption fine structure
NEXRADnext-generation weather radar
NFOVnarrow field of view
NGANational Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
NGEENext-Generation Ecological Experiment or Next-Generation Ecosystem Experiments
NGMSNormalized Gross Moisture Stability
NGRIPNorth Greenland Ice Core Project
NGSNational Geodetic Survey
NGWOSNext Generation Water Observing System (USGS)
NH-SCENorthern Hemisphere Snow Cover Extent data set
NICnoninductive charging
NICAMNonhydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model
NIDISNational Integrated Drought Information System
NIDSNEXRAD Information Dissemination Service
NIEHSNational Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
NIESNauru Island Effect Study or National Institute for Environmental Studies (Japan)
NIGECNational Institute for Global Environmental Change
NightFOXNighttime Fire Observations eXperiment
NILUNorwegian Institute for Air Research
NIMFRnormal incidence multifilter radiometer
NIPnormal incidence pyrheliometer
NIPAnonlocal independent pixel approximation
NIRnear infrared
NISTNational Institute of Standards and Technology
NLCDNational Land Cover Database
NLDASNational Land Data Assimilation System
NLDNNational Lightning Detection Network
NLLJnocturnal low-level jet
NMASSnucleation mode aerosol size spectrometer
NMBnormalized mean bias
NMCNational Meteorological Center
NMInonlinear multiscale interaction
NMQNational Mosaic and Multisensor Quantitative Precipitation Estimation project
NMRnuclear magnetic resonance
NMVOCnon-methane volatile organic compound
NNLSnon-negative least squares
NOAnitrogen-enriched organic aerosol
NOAANational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOCSNational Oceanography Centre, Southampton (UK)
NOGAPSNavy Operational Global Atmospheric Prediction System
NOMADSNational Operational Model Archive and Distribution System (NOAA)
NORADNorth American Aerospace Defense Command
NORAPSNavy Operational Regional Prediction System
NPFnew particle formation
NPFSNew Particle Formation Study
NPGONorth Pacific Gyre Oscillation
NPINorwegian Polar Institute
NPOESSNational Polar orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System
NPOLNASA Polerametric radar site in rutherford County, North Carolina
NPPNet Primary Productivity
NRBnormalized relative backscatter
NRBCNCAR radiation bias correction
NRCSNatural Resources Conservation Service or normalized radar cross-section
NRELNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
NRTnear-real time
NSANorth Slope of Alaska
NSA/AAONorth Slope of Alaska and Adjacent Arctic Ocean
NSBNorth Slope Borough
NSENash-Sutcliffe Efficiency
NSERCNatural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (Canada)
NSFNational Science Foundation
NSIDCNational Snow and Ice Data Center
NSRDBNational Solar Radiation Data Base
NSSLNational Severe Storms Laboratory
NSTCNational Science and Technology Council
NSWRnet shortwave radiation
NTnontornadic storm
NTPNetwork Time Protocol
NU-WRFNASA Unified Weather Research and Forecasting model
NUCAPSNOAA-Unique Combined Atmospheric Processing System
NVAPNASA Water Vapor Project
NVDInormalized difference vegetation index
NWCSAFNowcasting Satellite Application Facilities (EUMETSAT)
NWONetherlands Organization for Scientific Research
NWPnumerical weather prediction
NWRTNational Weather Radar Testbed
NWSNational Weather Service
OAorganic aerosol
OAPoptical array probe
OASISOcean-Atmosphere-Sea-Ice-Snow experiment or Optical Array Shadow Imaging Software
OBEROffice of Biological and Environmental Research
OCorganic carbon
OC-CCIOcean Colour Climate Change Initiative
OceanRAINOcean Rainfall and Ice-phase Precipitation Measurement Network
OCOOrbiting Carbon Observatory
OCSOklahoma Climatological Society
ODoptical depth
ODASOcean Data Assimilation System
ODEozone depletion event or ordinary differential equation
ODEQOklahoma Department of Environmental Quality
ODROrthogonal Distance Regression
ODSozone-depleting substance
ODVoptical detection volume
OFRoxidation flow reactor
OGPOffice of Global Programs
OHCocean heat content
OHFocean heat flux
OINother inorganic material
OISISAFOcean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility
OISSTOptimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature
OKMOklahoma Mesonet
OLCIOcean and Land Colour Instrument
OLRoutgoing longwave radiation
OLYMPEXOlympic Mountain Experiment
OMorganic matter
OMAERUVOMI/Aura Aerosol Optical Thickness & Single Scattering
OMBOffice of Management and Budget
OMIOzone Monitoring Instrument
OMIPOcean Models Intercomparison Project
OMTortho-mode transducer
OMWOGOceans-based Measurements Working Group
ONIOceanic Nino Index
ONROffice of Naval Research
OOAoxygenated organic aerosol
OPACOptical Properties of Aerosols and Clouds software package
OPALSopen-path ammonia laser sensor
OPCoptical particle counter
OPERAOperational Program on the Exchange of Weather Radar Information
OPSSoptical particle sizing system
OPTICSOrdering Points to Identify the Clustering Structure
ORACLES-2016Observations of Aerosols above Clouds and their Interactions-2016
ORCASO2/N2 Ratio and CO2 Airborne Southern Ocean
ORGoptical rain gauge
ORNLOak Ridge National Laboratory
ORROperational Readiness Review
OSNAPOverturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program
OSSOperations Status System or optical spectral sampling
OSSEobserving system simulation experiment
OSTIAOperational Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Analysis
OSUOklahoma State University
OTDMAorganic tandem differential mobility analyzer
OTRECOrganization of Tropical East Pacific Convection
OVForganic volume fraction
OVOCoxygenated volatile organic compound
PABSIprofiling oxygen A-band spectrometer/visible integer
PACEPlankton, Aerosol, Cloud, Ocean Ecosystem (NASA)
PAHpolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
PalEONPaleo-Ecological Observatory Network
PALMSparticle analysis by laser mass spectrometry
PALSProtocol for the Analysis for Land Surface models
PAMportable automated mesonet
PAMARCMiPPolar Airborne Measurements and Arctic Regional Climate Model Simulation Project
PAMRprofiling airborne microwave radiometer
PAMTRAPassive and Active Microwave radiative TRAnsfer model
PAPEperturbation available potential energy
PAQSPittsburgh Air Quality Study
PARphotosynthetically active radiation or phased array radars
PaRaDIsoPayerne Radar and Isotopes
PARAGONProgressive Aerosol Retrieval and Assimilation Global Observing Network
PARSECPseudo-Adiabatic bin-micRophySics university of Exeter Cloud parcel model
PARSIVELParticle Size and Velocity disdrometer
PARSLPacific Northwest National Laboratory's Atmospheric Remote Sensing Laboratory
PartMc-MOSAICParticle Monte Carlo-Model for Simulating Aerosol Interactions and Chemistry
PASphoto-acoustic absorption spectrometer or photoacoustic soot spectrometer
PAS2000CEphotoelectric aerosol sensor
PASCALPhysical Feedbacks of Arctic Planetary Boundary Level Sea Ice, Cloud and Aerosol
PASSParameterization of Subgrid Scale or photoacoustic soot spectrometer
PASS-33-wavelength photo-acoustic soot spectrometer
PAXphotoacoustic extinctiometer
PBAPprimary biological aerosol particle
PBLplanetary boundary layer
PBLHplanetary boundary-layer height
PBOPlate Boundary Observatory
PCASPpassive cavity aerosol spectrometer probe
PCBprinted circuit board
PCCPPoint Cloud of Cloud Points (ARM value-added product)
PCIpressure control inlet
PCMDIProgram for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison
PCNPermafrost Carbon Network
PCPprogrammable compressor package
PCRpolymerase chain reaction
PCTMParameterized Chemical Transport Model
PCVIpumped counterflow virtual impactor
PCWVpartial column water vapor
PDAphase Doppler anemometry
PDFprobability distribution function or probability density function or Portable Document Format
PDIphase Doppler interferometry
PDLpolarization diversity lidar
PDO/PCVPacific Decadal Oscillation/Variability
PDRPreliminary Design Review
PDSIPalmer drought severity index
PDVPacific Decadal Variability
PECANPlains Elevated Convection at Night
PEEXPan Eurasian Experiment
PEGASOPlankton-derived Emissions of trace Gases and Aerosols in the Southern Ocean
PEGASUSPNNL Eulerian Gas and Aerosol Scalable Unified System
PEMPacific Exploratory Mission
PERSIANNPrecipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks
PETpotential evapotranspiration
PETMPaleocene-Eocene thermal maximum
PFprecipitation frequency
PFPprogrammable flask package
PFTplant functional type
PGFPrinceton Global Forcing
PGSPrecision Carbon Dioxide Mixing Ratio System or precision gas system
PHIprobabilistic hazard information
PHIPSParticle Habit Imaging and Polar Scattering probe (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
PIprincipal investigator
PI-NephPolarized Imaging Nephelometer
PIApath-integrated attenuation
PICASSOParameterizing Ice Clouds using Airborne obServationS and triple-frequency dOppler
PICASSO-CENAPathfinder Instruments for Cloud and Aerosol Spaceborne Observations-Climatologie Etendue des Nuages et des Aerosols
PIDparticle identification algorithm
PIFproblem identification form
PILPSProject for the Intercomparison of Land-Surface Parameterization Schemes
PILSparticle-into-liquid sampler
PILS-ICparticle-into-liquid sampler coupled to ion chromatographs
PINEPortable Ice Nucleation Experiment
PIOMASPan-arctic Ice/Ocean Modeling and Assimilation System
PIPParticle Imaging Package (NASA) or precipitation imaging package or primary ice production
PIRprecision infrared radiometer
PIRAQPC-integrated acquisition system
PISAPECAN Integrated Sounding Array
PISTONPropagation of Intraseasonal Oscillations
PIVparticle image velocimetry
PIXEproton-induced X-ray emission
PKEperturbation kinetic energy
PLSHProcess-based Land Surface Evapotranpiration/Heat Fluxes algorithm
PLUMBERPALS Land Surface Model Benchmarking Evaluation Project
PMparticulate matter
PMELPacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
PMFpositive matrix factorization
PMIPPaleoclimate Model Intercomparison Project
PMLperfectly matched layer or Penman-Monteith-Leuning model
PMMPacific Measurement Mission (NASA)
PMOPico Mountain Observatory
PMSparticle measuring system
PMWpassive microwave
PNCparticle number concentration
PNGPortable Network Graphics file format or Papua New Guinea
PNNLPacific Northwest National Laboratory
PNSDparticle number size distribution
POAprimary organic aerosol
POCparticulate organic carbon
PODprobability of detection
PODAACPhysical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (JPL)
POESpolar orbiting environmental satellite
POFAprobability of false alarm
POLARCATPolar Study using Aircraft, Remote Sensing, Surface Measurements and Models, of Climate, Chemistry, Aerosols, and Transport
POLARISPhotochemistry of Ozone Loss in the Arctic Region in Summer
POLDERPolarization and Directionality of the Earth's Reflectances
POLMIPPOLARCAT Model Intercomparison Project
POMprimary organic matter or particulate organic matter
POPParallel Ocean Program
POPEYEProfiling at Oliktok Point to Enhance YOPP Experiments
POPSprinted optical particle spectrometer or portable optical particle spectrometer
POSIDONPacific Oxidants, Sulfur, Ice, Dehydration, and Convection Experiment
PPAplane parallel approximation
PPIplan position indicator
PPPpoint-to-point protocol
PRprecipitation radar
PRBProblem Review Board
PRE-STORMPreliminary Regional Experiment for Stormscale Operational and Research Meteorology
Pre-VOCAPreliminary VOCALS model Assessment
PRFpulse repetition frequency
PRIMAVERAProcess-Based Climate Simulation: Advances in High-Resolution Modelling and European Climate Risk Assessment
PRISMParameter elevation Regression on Independent Slopes Model
PROBEPilot Radiation Observation Experiment
PromisProgram for an Operational Meteorological Information System (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute)
PRPPortable Radiation Package or phase retarding plate
PRRpre-readiness review
PRTpulse repetition time
PSAparticle surface area
PSAPparticle/soot absorption photometer
PSCpolar stratospheric cloud
PSDparticle size distribution or power spectral density
PSLphoto-stimulated luminescence or polystyrene latex
PSPprecision spectral pyranometer
PSR-EBLPicosecond Short-Range Elastic Backscatter Lidar
PSUPennsylvania State University
PTIphoto-thermal interferometer or precipitation type index
PTIRphotothermal infrared spectroscopy
PTR-MSproton transfer reaction mass spectrometer
PTR-ToF-MSproton transfer reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometer
PV or photovoltaicpotential vorticity
PVIparticle video imager
PVMparticle volume monitor
PWprecipitable water
PWDpresent weather detector
PWGApopulation-weighted global average
PWRFPolar Weather Research and Forecasting
PWSpresent weather sensor
PWVprecipitable water vapor
PXPleim-Xiu model
PYEPoint Reyes, California
Q-AMSquadrupole aerosol mass spectrometer
QBOQuasi-Biennial Oscillation
QCQuality Control
QCLquantum cascade laser
QCLCDQuality Controlled Local Climatological Data (NOAA)
QCRADData Quality Assessment for ARM Radiation Data value-added product
QFFquartz fiber filter
QHAquasi-harmonic approximation
QLQuantitative Links
QMEQuality Measurement Experiment
QMOMquadrature method of moments
QMSquadrupole mass spectrometer
QNSEquasi-normal scale elimination
QPEQuantitative Precipitation Estimation
QPFquantitative precipitation forecast
QuikSCATQuick Scatterometer
QVPquasi-vertical profile
R/Vresearch vessel
r<sup>e</sup>effective radius
RACMregional atmospheric chemistry mechanism
RACORORoutine AAF Clouds with Low Optical Water Depths (CLOWD) Optical Radiative Observations
RADRadiation Measurements at AMF
RADAGASTRadiative Divergence using AMF, GERB and AMMA Stations
RAMrandom access memory or root-zone available moisture
RAMCESReseau atmospherique de mesure des composes a effet de serre
RAMIXRadon Measurements of Atmospheric Mixing
RAMSregional atmospheric modeling system
RAOBradiosonde observation
RAOSReno Aerosol Optics Study
RAPRapid Refresh model (NCEP)
RAPRADrapid radiation transfer model
RASERradio-frequency amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
RASSradio acoustic sounding system
RAWdata file created by an instrument
RAWSRemote Automated Weather Stations
RaXPolRapid X-band Polarimetric Radar
RBFradial basis function
RBLremote balloon launching
RCCradiometer calibration and characterization
RCCLRoyal Caribbean Cruise Lines
RCEradiative-convective equilibrium
RCFradiometer calibration facility
RCSremote cloud sensing
RCSArevised convective stratiform anvil
RDG-FARayleigh-Debye-Gans for Fractal-Aggregates theory
RDIrotating drum impactor
RDPResearch and Development Project
REBradiative energy budget
REBSradiation energy balance system
REDrelative Euclidean distance
REDDICRetrieval of Entrainment and Droplet Density in Cumulus
REErainwater entire evaporation
REFIR-PADRadiation Explorer in the Far-Infrared-Prototype for Applications and Development
RegCM2regional climate model, Version 2 (NCAR)
RELAMPAGORemote sensing of Electrification, Lightning, and Mesoscale/microscale Processes with Adaptive Ground Observations
REPAretrieved effective particle absorption
REPSretrieved effective particle size
RESETRegional Service Team (TWP)
RExVOCALS Regional Experiment
RFradio frequency
RFAradiative flux analysis
RFDrelative frequency distribution
RFEradiative forcing efficiency
RFOrelative frequency of occurrence
RGAreduction gas analyzer or Rayleigh-Gans approximation
RHrelative humidity
RHCrelatively highly reactive hydrocarbon
RHIrange-height indicator
RHRradiative heating rate
RHUBCRadiative Heating in Underexplored Bands Campaign
RHUBC-IIRadiative Heating in Underexplored Bands Campaign, Phase II
RIrefractive index
RICORain in Cumulus over the Ocean
RIErelative ionization efficiency
RIGCResearch Institute for Global Change (JAMSTEC)
RINEXReceiver Independent Exchange Format
RISRoss Ice Shelf
RISCRussian Ice Station Comparison
RISCAMRoutine In Situ Cloud and Aerosol Measurements
RKresidual kriging
RLRaman lidar
RLWPrain liquid water path
RMBLRocky Mountain Biological Laboratory
RMLrestricted maximum likelihood
RMMreal-time multivariate MJO
rmsroot mean square
RMSEroot-mean-square error
RMWradius of maximum wind
RNNRecurrent Neural Network
ROradio occultation
ROCSRocky Mountain Organic Carbon Study
ROIradius of influence
ROMrough order of magnitude or regional oxidant model
RoMBASRocky Mountain Biogenic Aerosol Study
ROMERadar Organization Metric
RONOCORole of Night-time chemistry in controlling the Oxidising Capacity Of the atmosphere (U.K. university project)
ROSRremote ocean surface radiometer
RPAremotely piloted aircraft
RPCRepresentative Concentration Pathway
RPHroll, pitch, and heave
RPVremotely piloted vehicles
RRrain rate
RRCrainfall-rate criteria
RRFSRapid Refresh Forecast System
RRHOrigid rotor-harmonic oscillator
RRMregionally refined model
RRTMrapid radiative transfer model
RRTMGRapid Radiative Transfer Model for Global Climate Models
RSDrelative standard deviation
RSMRegional Spectral Model
RSMASRosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science
RSMSrapid single-particle mass spectrometer
RSPresearch scanning polarimeter
RSSrotating shadowband spectroradiometer
RTradiative transfer
RTAresidence time analysis
RTDresistive temperature device or resistance temperature detector
RTMradiative transfer model
RTMAReal-Time Mesoscale Analysis
RUCrapid update cycle
RVresearch vessel
RVSRiverside, California
RWCrain water content
RWPradar wind profiler
RWSRossby wave source
RZSMroot-zone soil moisture
S-HISscanning high-resolution interferometer sounder
S-XRFsynchrotron-induced X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
S2Dseasonal to decadal
S2Ssub-seasonal to seasonal
SABLscanning aerosol backscatter lidar
SABLESurface Atmospheric Boundary Layer Experiment
SABORShip-Aircraft Bio-Optical Research
SACSite Advisory Committee
SACOLSemi-Arid Climate and Environment Observatory of Lanzhou University
SACZsouthern Atlantic convergence zone
SAEscattering Angstrom exponent
SAFIREService des Avions Francais Instrumentés pour la Recherche en Environnement
SAGEStratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment or Sunlight Absorption on the Greenland Ice Sheet Experiment
SAICScience Application International Corporation
SAILSurface Atmosphere Integrated Field Laboratory
SAILSSupplemental Adaptive Intravolume Low-Level Scan
SALsupercontinuum absorption lidar or Saharan air layer
SALLJSouth American low-level jet
SAMSun and Aureole Measurement or System for Atmospheric Modeling or Southern Annular Mode
SAMDStandardized Atmospheric Measurement Data
SAMEXStorm and Mesoscale Ensemble Experiment or System for Atmospheric Modeling-Explicit Microphysics
SAMSONSolar and Meteorological Surface Observational Network (NOAA)
SAOSmithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
SAODstratospheric aerosol optical depth
SAONSustaining Arctic Observing Networks
SAPHIRSondeur Atmospherique du Profil d'Humidite Intertropicale par Radiometrie
SAPRCStatewide Air Pollution Research Center (University of California)
SARsynthetic aperture radar or search and rescue
SARASimplified Aerosol Retrieval Algorithm
SARBSurface and Atmospheric Radiation Budget
SARGANin-Situ AeRosol GAW observing Network
SARSSite Access Request System
SASsub-arctic summer or Simplified Arakawa-Schubert
SatCORPSSatellite Cloud and Radiation Property retrieval System
SAVsurface-area-to-volume ratio
SAWsub-arctic winter
SBCAPEsurface-based convective available potential energy
SBDshort-burst data
SBDARTSanta Barbara DISORT Atmospheric Radiative Transfer
SBIRSmall Business Innovation Research (grant)
SBJSierra Barrier Jet
SBLstable boundary layer
SBMspectral bin microphysics
SBROStony Brook University - Brookhaven National Laboratory Radar Observatory
SBUVsolar backscatter ultraviolet radiometer
SCAISimple Cloud Aggregation Index
SCAMSingle-Column Atmosphere Model
SCANSoil Climate Analysis Network
SCAR-BSmoke, Clouds, and Radiation-Brazil
ScaRaBScanner for Radiation Budget
SCCNsize-resolved cloud condensation nuclei
SCEstochastic collection equation
SCFstability correction function
SCIAMACHYScanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Chartography
SciDACScientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (DOE)
SCLWsupercooled liquid water
SCMsingle-column model
SCMSSmall Cumulus Microphysics Study
SCNNLSsmoothness constrained non-negative least squares
SCOPESan Clemente Ocean Probing Experiment
SCOPSSubgrid Cloud Overlap Profile Sampler
SCOWScatterometer Climatology of Ocean Winds
SCREAMSimple Cloud-Resolving E3SM Atmosphere Model
SCSIsmall computer system interface
SCSMEXSouth China Sea Monsoon Experiment
SCTstratocumulus-to-cumulus transition
SDsaturation departure
SDIRKSingly Diagonally Implicit Runge-Kutta method
SDMsuperdroplet method
SDSsite data system
SDSSself-deploying surface sensor
SEAC4RSStudies of Emissions and Atmospheric Composition, Clouds, and Climate Coupling by Regional Surveys
SEARCHStudy of Environmental Arctic Change, Southeastern Aerosol Research and Characterization
SEBsurface energy budget
SEBEXSahelian Energy Balance Experiment
SEBNSurface Energy Balance Network (NOAA ARL)
SEBSSurface Energy Balance System
SECSouth Equatorial Current
SECCSouth Equatorial Countercurrent
SEMscanning electron microscopy
SERRSsurface-enhanced resonance Raman spectroscopy
SERSsurface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
SESIScience and Engineering Services, Inc.
SEVIRISpinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager
SFMRstepped frequency microwave radiometer
SGIStandardized Groundwater Index
SGMMself-generating master mechanism
SGPSouthern Great Plains
SHADOZSouthern Hemisphere Additional Ozonesondes network
SHARPpySounding/Hodograph Analysis and Research Program in Python
SHAVESevere Hazard Analysis and Verification Experiment
SHAWMSSoil Heat And Water Measurement System
ShCushallow cumulus
SHDOMSpherical Harmonic Discrete Ordinate Method
SHEBASurface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean (Subprogram of NSF ARCSS Oil)
SHFsensible heat flux
SHIMSShortwave Hemispheric Irradiance Measurement System
SHIPPOShipborne Pole to Pole Observation
SHOCsimplified higher-order closure
SiBSimple Biosphere Model
SiBCASAsimple biosphere Carnegie-Ames-Stanford Approach
SIBYLSelective Iterated Boundary Location scheme
SICsea ice concentration
SICIMSselected ion chemical ionization mass spectrometer
SIEsea ice extent
SIMDsingle instruction multiple data
SIMPLESemi-Implicit Method for Pressure Linked Equations
SIMSsecondary ion mass spectrometry
SINTsolar-infrared near-infrared technique
SIPsecondary ice production
SIPAMSystem for the Protection of Amazonia
SIPEXIISea Ice P:hysics EXperiment
SIROSsolar and infrared observing system
SIRSsolar infrared radiation station
SIRTASite Instrumental de Recherche par Teled'etrection Armospherique
SISCScience and Infrastructure Steering Committee
SISRsingle-image super resolution
SISTsolar-infrared split-window technique
SITACSpectral Imagery Technology Applications Center
SKYRADsky radiometers on stand for downwelling radiation
SLstable precipitation over land
SL3Dstorm labeling n three dimensions
SLAMSimple Land-Atmosphere Model
SLCsingle-layer cloud
SLCFshort-lived climate forcer
SLCPshort-lived climate pollutants
SLPsea level pressure
SLRscanning Raman lidar
SLSTRSea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer
SLWCsupercooled liquid water content
SMsoil moisture
SM-EFsoil moisture-evaporative fraction
SM-Psoil moisture-precipitation
SMACSSmart Aerosonde Clusters
SMAPSoil Moisture Active Passive mission (NASA)
SMART-HELIOSSpectral Modular Airborne Radiation Measurement System--Helicopter-Borne Observations
SMART-RShared Mobile Atmospheric Research and Teaching Radar
SMBsurface mass balance
SMCstratiform mixed-phase cloud
SMCSseparated MCS
SMEARStation for Measuring Ecosystem-Atmosphere Relations (Finland)
SMETSurface Meteorological Instruments for TWP
SMHISwedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
SMILESsimplified molecular-input line-entry system
SMLsurface microlayer
SMMsoil moisture memory
SMMRscanning multichannel microwave radiometer
SMOKESparse Matrix Kernel Emissions model
SMOPSSoil Moisture Operations Products System
SMOSSurface Meteorological Observing Station or Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity
SMOSMANIASoil Moisture Observing System-Meteorological Automatic Network Integrated Application
SMPSscanning mobility particle sizer
SNACSStudies of the Northern Alaskan Coastal System
SNEXSnowfall Experiment (BAECC)
SNICARSnow, Ice and Aerosol Radiation model
SNLSandia National Laboratories
SNOTELSnowpack Telemetry
SNPPSuomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership
SNRsignal-to-noise ratio
SNTsevere nontornadic storm
SOAsecondary organic aerosol
SOAFFEESecondary Organic Aerosol From Forest Emissions Experiment
SOAGsemivolatile organic gas-phase species
SOAPSurface Ocean Aerosol Production
SOASSouthern Oxidant and Aerosol Study
SoCABSouthern California Air Basin
SOCCRState of the Carbon Cycle Report
SOCEX1Southern Ocean Cloud Experiment
SOCRATESSuite of Community RAdiative Transfer Codes based on Edwards and Slingo or Southern Ocean Clouds Radiation Aerosol Transport Experimental Study
SOFEXSouthern Ocean Iron Experiment
SOFIASurface of the Ocean, Fluxes, and Interactions with the Atmosphere
SOISouthern Oscillation Index
SOLsite operations log *Now known as metadata system (MDS)
SOMslab ocean model or self-organizing map or Statistical Oxidation Model
SOPspecial observing period
SOPACSouth Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission
SORCESolar Radiation and Climate Experiment
SORGAMSecondary Organic Aerosol Model
SORTIsolar radiance transmittance interferometer
SOSSouthern Oxidants Study
SOWstatement of work
SP-AMSSoot Particle--Aerosol Mass Spectrometer
SP2single-particle soot photometer
SP2-XRsingle-particle soot photometer -- extended range
SPAStorm-penetrating aircraft
SPADESeparate Physics and Dynamics Experiment or Stratospheric Photochemistry, Aerosols, and Dynamics Experiment
SPARSaccadic Phased Array Radar Sampling
SPARCSpace Science and Engineering Center Portable Atmospheric Research Center or Stratosphere-Troposphere Processes and Their Role in Climate
SPARTACUSSPeedy Algorithm for Radiative TrAnsfer through CloUd Sides
SPARTANSurface PARTiculate mAtter Network
SPARTICUSSmall Particles in Cirrus
SPCStorm Prediction Center (NOAA)
SPCZSouth Pacific convergence zone
SPECTRESpectral Radiance Experiment
SPEIStandardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index
SPIStandardized Precipitation Index or Swiss Polar Institute
SPICESolid Precipitation Intercomparison Experiment (WMO)
SPIESociety of Photo-optic Instrumentation Engineers
SPINSpectrometer for Ice Nucleation
SPLStorm Peak Laboratory
SPLATsingle-particle laser ablation time-of-flight mass spectrometer
SPLAT-IIsecond-generation single-particle laser ablation time-of-flight mass spectrometer
SPMsite program manager
SPNsunshine pyranometer
SPPTStochastically Perturbed Parametrization Tendencies
SPREPSouth Pacific Regional Environmental Program
SPRGNSouth Pacific Regional GPS Network
SQIsignal quality index
SR-XRFsynchrotron radiation-induced X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
SRBsurface radiation budget
SRDBsolar radiation dry bias
SRHstorm relative helicity
SRIStandardized Runoff Index
SRLscanning raman lidar
SRMsolar radiation modification
SRRBSurface Radiation Research Branch (NOAA)
SRRLSolar Radiation Research Laboratory (NREL)
SRTMShuttle Radar Topography Mission
SRWShort Range Weather
SSAsingle-scattering albedo or sea spray aerosol
SSCLsuppressed shallow cloud regime
SSDsnowflake size distribution
SSECSpace Science and Engineering Center
SSFRsolar spectral flux radiometer
SSHFsurface sensible heat flux
SSIspectral solar irradiance or Standardized Streamflow Index
SSiBSimplified Simple Biosphere Model
SSiBsimplified Simple Biosphere Model
SSIMstructural similarity index
SSM/Ispecial sensor microwave/imager
SSMIStandardized Soil Moisture Index or Special Sensor Microwave Imager
SSMISspecial sensor microwave imager sounder
SSNTsignificant severe nontornadic storm
SSPscanning spectral polarimeter or sea spray particles or Shared Socioeconomic Pathway
SSPAsolid-state power amplifier
SSPMstretched scattering potential method
SSRGAself-similar Rayleigh-Gans approximation
SSRLSolar Radiation Research Laboratory (NREL)
SSSsea surface salinity
SSSTsea surface (skin) temperature
SSTsea-surface temperature
SSURGOSoil Survey Geographic (database)
SSWSudden Stratospheric Warning
StaBLEStable Boundary Layer Education
STACsize-to-area conversion or size and time-resolved aerosol collector
STAPsingle-channel tricolor absorption photometer
START08Stratosphere-Troposphere Analyses of Regional Transport 2008
STEstratosphere-troposphere exchange
STECScience Team Executive Committee
STEMSulfur Transport Eulerian Model or scanning transmission electron microscopy
STEPSSevere Thunderstorm Electrification and Precipitation Study
STIsimple tillage index
STILTStochastic Time-Inverted Lagrangian Transport
STIRPATSTochastic Impacts by Regression on Population, Affluence, and Technology
STORM-FESTStormscale Operational Research and Meteorology Fronts Experiment Systems Test
STORMVEXStorm Peak Lab Cloud Property Validation Experiment
STPstandard temperature and pressure
STRATStratospheric Tracers of Atmospheric Transport
STXM/NEXAFSscanning transmission X-ray microscopy with near edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy
SUCCESSSubsonic Aircraft Contrail and Cloud Effects Special Study
SUNYState University of New York
SUPGstreamline upwind Petrov Galerkin method
SURFRADSurface Radiation Budget Network
SURTHREFSurface Temperature and Humidity Reference System for Sondes
SUSMAPScience Utilization of SMAP (NASA)
SV-OOAsemi-volatile oxygenated organic aerosol
SV-TAGsemi-volatile thermal desorption aerosol gas chromatograph
SVCsubvisible cirrus
SVDsingular value decomposition
SVIsnowflake video imager
SVOCsemi-volatile organic compound
SVOOAsemi-volatile oxygenated organic aerosol
SWACRScanning W-band ARM Cloud Radar
SWATSsoil water and temperature system
SWCsnow water content
SWCFshortwave cloud forcing
SWDIsevere weather data inventory (NCEI)
SWDNsurface shortwave downward radiation
SWEsnow water equivalent
SWERUS-C3Swedish-Rssian-U.S. Arctic Ocean Investigation of Climate-Cryosphere-Carbon Interactions
SWIsoil wetness index
SWIRshortwave infrared
SWRshortwave radiation
SWSshortwave spectroradiometer
SWUPsurface upward shortwave radiation
SWVslant water vapor
SZAsolar zenith angle
TABtotal attenuated backscattering
TACTICTropospheric Aerosols for Climate in CNRM-CM
TAFTStropospheric airborne Fourier transform spectrometer
TAMSTracking Algorithm for Mesoscale Convective Systems
TAMUTexas A&M University
TANSO-FTSThermal and Near infrared Sensor for Carbon Observation Fourier Transform Spectrometer
TAOTropical Atmosphere Ocean
TAO/TRITONTropical Atmosphere Ocean/Triangle Trans-Ocean Buoy Network
TAOStwo-dimensional angular optical scattering
TAPtropospheric aerosol particle
TARTape ARchive
TARFOXTropospheric Aerosol Radiative Forcing Observational Experiment (1996)
TAStrue air speed
TAVTropical Atlantic Variability
TBtar balls
TBItethered balloon system impactor
TBMterrestrial biogeochemical model or terrestrial biosphere model
TBRGtipping bucket rain gauge
TBStethered balloon system
TCtropical cyclone
TC-RSRthin-cloud rotating shadowband radiometer
TC4Tropical Composition, Cloud and Climate Coupling
TCAPTwo-Column Aerosol Project
TCCtotal cloud cover
TCCONTotal Carbon Column Observing Network
TCEQTexas Commission on Environmental Quality
TCIPTransit Communications Interface Profiles
TCPICTrades Cumuli Precipitation Initiation and Characterization
TCRtransient climate response
TCWVtotal column water vapor
TDthermodenuder or thermal desorption
TD-LIFthermal dissocation laser-induced fluorescence
TDCIMSthermal desorption chemical ionization mass spectrometer
TDDRtotal direct diffuse radiometer
TDLTactical Data Link or tunable-diode laser
TDLAStunable diode laser absorption spectrometer
TDMAtime division multiple access (from ARM acronym list); also tandem differential mobility analyzer
TDPBMSthermal desorption particle beam mass spectrometer
TDStornadic debris signature
TDWRterminal Doppler weather radar (FAA)
TEAtransverse-excited atmospheric pressure
TECthermoelectric cooler
TEJtropical easterly jet
TEMtransmission electron microscope or trajectory ensemble model
TEM/EELStransmission electron microscopy/electron energy loss spectroscopy
TERENOTerrestrial Environmental Observatories
TERNTerrestrial Ecosystem Research Network
TERStip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
TEStropospheric emission spectrometer or thermal emission sounder or Terrestrial Ecosystem Science
TexAQSTexas Air Quality Study
THFturbulent heat flux
THORThickness from Offbeam Returns
THORPEXThe Observing System Research and Predictability Experiment
THWAPStemperature, humidity, winds, and pressure system
TItransverse ionization
TIBLthermal internal boundary layer
TICtotal ion count
TICFIREThin Ice Clouds in Far IR Experiment
TILDASTunable Infrared Laser Differential Absorption Spectrometer
TIMEXThunderstorm Initiation Mobile Experiment
TIPAtilted independent pixel approximation
TIRthermal infrared
TIROStelevision and infrared observation satellite
TITANThunderstorm Identification, Tracking, Analysis, and Nowcasting
TIWETropical Instability Wave Experiment
TKEturbulent kinetic energy
TMthematic mapper
TMITropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager
TMPATRMM Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis
TOAtop of the atmosphere
TOARTropospheric Ozone Assessment Report
tobacTracking and Object-Based Analysis of Clouds
TOCtotal organic carbon
TOCSTropical Ocean Climate Study
TOGAtrace organic gas analyzer
TOGA-COARETropical Ocean Global Atmosphere-Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Response Experiment
TOMASTwO Moment Aerosol Sectional model
TOMStotal ozone mapping experiment spectrometer
TOPAZtunable ozone profiler for aerosol and ozone
TOPSETropospheric Ozone Production by the Spring Equinox experiment
TORthermal/optical reflectance
TOVSTIROS operational vertical sounder
TPtemperature profiling
TPD-DART-HRMStemperature-programmed desorption-direct analysis in real-time, high-resolution mass spectrometry
TPPNTrans-Pacific Profiler Network
TPStotal precipitation sensor
TPWtotal precipitable water
TRACtime-resolved aerosol collector
TRACE-ATransport and Atmospheric Chemistry near the Equator-Atlantic
TRACE-PTransport and Chemical Evolution over the Pacific campaign (NASA)
TRACERTracking Aerosol Convection Interactions Experiment
TRACER - ACETracking Aerosol Convection Interactions Experiment - Aerosol Characterization Experiment
TRACER - CATTracking Aerosol Convection Interactions Experiment - Carbonaceous Aerosol Thrust
TRACER - MAPTracking Aerosol Convection Interactions Experiment - Mapping Aerosol across Houston
TRACER-UFITracking Aerosol Convection Interactions Experiment - Ultrafine aerosol Formation & Impacts
TRIToxic Release Inventory (U.S. EPA)
TRLtechnology readiness level
TRMMTropical Rainfall Measuring Mission
TRMM-KWAJEXTropical Rainfall Measuring Mission-Kwajalein Experiment
TRMM-LBATropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia
TROAtime-resolved optoacoustic (cell)
TROPOMITropospheric Monitoring Instrument
TRRLtemperature rotational Raman lidar
TSBRtotal solar broadband radiometer
TSItotal sky imager or total solar irradiance
TSPtotal suspended particles
TTLtropical tropopause layer
TUTTtropical upper tropospheric trough
TUVRtotal ultraviolet radiometer
TVCtotal volume coverage
TVStornadic vortex signature
TWCtotal water content or total water cloud
TWHtropical western hemisphere
TWPTropical Western Pacific
TWP-ICETropical Warm Pool International Cloud Experiment
TWSTthree-waveband spectrally agile technique
TWTtraveling wave tubes
TWTATraveling Wave Tube Amplifier
UASuncrewed aerial system (preferred) or unmanned aerial system
UAVuncrewed aerial vehicle (preferred) or unmanned aerial vehicle
UAV-AERIminiaturized version of the ground-based AERI
UCARUniversity Corporation for Atmospheric Research
UCLAUniversity of California, Los Angeles
UCMUrban Canopy Model
UCSDUniversity of California, San Diego
UDFUAV demonstration flights
UEAUniversidade do Estado do Amazonia
UFPultrafine particles
UFSUnified Forecast System
UFTultrafast thermometer
UHIurban heat island
UHMAUniversity of Helsinki Multicomponent Aerosol model
UHSASultra-high-sensitivity aerosol spectrometer
UICUkpeagvik Iñupiat Corporation
UIFUAV interim flight
UIRupwelling infrared radiometer
UMBCUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore County
UMRunit mass resolution
UNAVCOUniversity NAVSTAR Consortium
UNESCOUnited Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
UNFCCCUnited Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
UNICONunified convective scheme
UNIFACuniversal functional group activity coefficient
UPSuninterruptable power supply
URIPUniversity Research Instrumentation Program
URLUniform Resource Locator
USAFUnited States Air Force
USAPUnited States Antarctic Program
USBUniversal Serial Bus
USCGUnited States Coast Guard
USCRNU.S. Climate Reference Network
USDAU.S. Department of Agriculture
USGCRPU.S. Global Change Research Program
USGEWEXUnited States Global Energy and Water Exchanges
USGSU.S. Geological Survey
USNU.S. Navy
USPUniversidade de Sao Paulo
USRupwelling solar radiation
UTupper troposphere
UTHupper tropospheric humidity
UV-APSultraviolet aerodynamic particle sizer
UVBultraviolet B
UVRLultraviolet Raman lidar
UVSRultraviolet spectral radiometer
UW-SSECUniversity of Wisconsin Space Science and Engineering Center
UWIREMISUniversity of Wisconsin Global Infrared Land Surface Emissivity
UWLCMUniversity of Warsaw Lagrangian Cloud Model
VACESversatile aerosol concentration enrichment system
VADvelocity-azimuth display
VAMOSVariability of the American Monsoon System
VAPvalue-added product
VarBCvariational bias correction
VBSvolatility basis set
VCEILVaisala ceilometer
VCPvolume coverage pattern
VCSELvertical cavity surface emitting laser
VDDoppler velocity
VDAvariational data assimilation
VDMvegetation demographic model
VEDvolume equivalent diameter
VESRIVirtual Earth System Research Institute
VFRvolume fraction remaining or visual flight rules
VGAvideo graphics array
VIFvariance inflation factor
VIIRSVisible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite
VIMFvertically integrated moisture flux
VIPvideo integrator processor
VIPSvideo ice particle sampler
VIRSvisible infrared scanning radiometer
VISvisible or visible satellite imagery
VISSTvisible infrared solar-infrared split-window technique
VLBIvery-long-baseline interferometry
VLFvery low frequency
VMRvolume mixing ratio
VNIRvisible/near infrared
VOAGvibrating orifice aerosol generation
VOCvolatile organic carbon or volatile organic compound
VOCALSVAMOS Ocean-Cloud-Atmosphere-Land Study
VOCALS-REXVariability of the American Monsoon System (VAMOS) Ocean-Cloud-Atmosphere-Land Study Regional Experiment
VOCARvariation of coastal atmospheric refractivity
VORTEX-SEVerification of the Origins of Rotation in Tornadoes Experiment-Southeast
VOS/XBTVoluntary Observing System Expendable Bathythermograph
VPDvapor pressure deficit
VPNvirtual private network
VPRvertically pointing radar
VSMOWVienna Standard Mean Ocean Water
VSWIRvisble to shortwave infrared
VTLCvideo time-lapsed camera
VTMXVertical Transport and Mixing Experiment
VUVvacuum ultraviolet
VVvertical velocity
VWDvector wind difference
VWSvertical wind shear
VZAviewing zenith angle
WACCEMWater Cycle and Climate Extremes Modeling
WACCMWhole Atmosphere Community Climate Model
WACRW-band ARM Cloud Radar
WAISWest Antarctic Ice Sheet
WASwhole air sampling
WBFWegener-Bergeron-Findeisen process
WBRGweighing bucket rain gauge
WCBwarm conveyor belt
WCCAPWorld Calibration Centre for Aerosol Physics (GAW)
WCLWyoming cloud lidar
WCMwater content monitor
WCPCwater-based condensation particle counter
WCRWyoming cloud radar
WCRPWorld Climate Research Programme
WCTwavelet covariance transform
WDCAWorld Data Center for Aerosols
WDCGGWorld Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases
WDSS-IIWarning Decision Support System-Integrated Information
WETCHIMPWetland and Wetland CH4 Inter-comparison of Models Project
WFOVwide field of view
WGNEWorking Group on Numerical Experimentation
WHOIWoods Hole Oceanographic Institution
WHPWOCE Hydrographic Program
WIBSwide issue bioaerosol spectrometer or wideband integrated bioaerosol sensor
WIOCwater-insoluble organic carbon
WISWeather Information System (WMO)
WISGWorld Infrared Standard Group
WISHEwind-induced surface heat exchange
WISPWinter Icing and Storms Project (NOAA)
WISPARWinter Storms and Pacific Atmospheric Rivers
WISPERWater Isotope System for Precipitation and Entrainment Research
WiWBWiener water balance
WMOWorld Meteorological Organization
WOCEWorld Ocean Circulation Experiment
WOOMWave One Ozone Maximum
WOUDCWorld Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre
WPwarm pool
WPDNwind-profiler demonstration network
WPLWave Propagation Laboratory
WRASwide-range aerosol spectrometer
WRCWorld Radiation Center
WRDCWorld Radiation Data Centre
WRFWeather Research and Forecasting (Model)
WRF-Chemchemistry version of the Weather Research and Forecasting model
WRF-SFIREWeather Research and Forecasting fire-spread model
WRF-STILTWeather Research and Forecasting-Stochastic Time-Inverted Lagrangian Transport
WRMCWorld Radiation Monitoring Center
WRRWorld Radiometric Reference
WSFOWeather Service Forecast Office
WSGWorld Standard Group
WSIwhole sky imager
WSOCwater-soluble organic compound
WSR-88Dweather surveillance radar-88 Dopplers
WSRAwide-swath radar altimeter
WTGweak temperature gradient
WUS-D3Western United States Dynamically Downscaled Dataset
WVwater vapor
WVDIALwater vapor differential absorption lidar
WVMwater vapor mass
WVMRwater vapor mixing ratio
WVPwater vapor profiling or water vapor path
WVRwater vapor radiometer
WWLLNWorld Wide Lightning Location Network
WWMCAWorld-Wide Merged Cloud Analysis (USAF)
WWRP (WMO)World Weather Research Programme
WWWWorld Weather Watch
X-SAPRX-Band Scanning ARM Precipitation Radar
XANESX-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure spectroscopy
XBTexpendable bathythermograph
XDCExternal Data Center (ARM)
XEDSX-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy
XPIAExperimental Measurement Campaign: Planetary boundary layer Instrumentation Assessment
XPSX-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
YESYankee Environmental Systems
YIBsYale Interactive Terrestrial Biosphere model
YOPPYear of Polar Prediction
YOTCYear of Tropical Convection
YRDYangtze River Delta
ZHDzenith hydrostatic delay
ZPWZero Power Warming experiment
ZSSZvenigorod Scientific Station
ZTDzenith total delay
ZWDzenith wet delay
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