SACR Advance Velocity Azimuth Display
Baseline VAP
The Scanning ARM Cloud Radar-Advanced-Velocity Azimuth Display (SACR-ADV-VAD) value-added product (VAP) provides profiles of horizontal wind estimates at cloud level, using radial mean Doppler velocity observations from the Hemispherical Sky Range Height Indicator (HS-RHI) scan strategy of the Ka-Band Scanning ARM Cloud Radar (KASACR).
The VAD technique was historically used to retrieve wind field properties using weather radars. SACR-ADV-VAD employs the technique using three horizon-to-horizon HS-RHI scans, typically repeated one to two times per hour, and spaced by 30 degrees in azimuth. The resultant product has a 30- to 60-minute time resolution and a 50-meter height resolution. It is intended to complement infrequent soundings, routinely only 2 to 4 per day, depending upon the site.
Primary Derived Measurements
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Pavlos KolliasScience Sponsor PI Stony Brook University
Die WangTranslator Brookhaven National Laboratory
Related Data Announcements
View all references- Goss et al. 2019 Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Annual Report. 2020. 10.2172/1604869.
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