Translator List
Science Product | Science Product Contact(s) | Science Sponsor PI(s) |
ARM Aerial Facility (AAF) Merged VAP for Historical AAF G1 Field Campaigns
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
ARM Cloud Retrieval Ensemble Data
ACSM, corrected for composition-dependent collection efficiency
AERI Noise Filtered
NOAA Global Systems Laboratory
University of Wisconsin
AERIoe Thermodynamic Profile and Cloud Retrieval
NOAA Global Systems Laboratory
University of Wisconsin
AERI Profiles of Water Vapor and Temperature
NOAA Global Systems Laboratory
Aerosol Best Estimate
University of Oklahoma
Aerosol Intensive Properties
University of Oklahoma
Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) derived from MFRSR measurements
Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) derived from NIMFR measurements
Aerosol Optical Depth Best Estimate
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Aerosol Optical Properties
University of Oklahoma
Aerosol Observing System (AOS): cloud condensation nuclei data, averaged
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Areal Averaged Spectral Surface Albedo
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
ARM Best Estimate Data Products
Lagrangian large-scale forcing data following a trajectory
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Stony Brook University
Airmass trajectories to support studies using ARM data
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Airmass trajectories to support studies using ARM Aerial Facility (AAF) data.
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Active Remote Sensing of CLouds
Pennsylvania State University
Stony Brook University
Best-Estimate Fluxes From EBBR Measurements and Bulk Aerodynamics Calculations
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Broadband Heating Rate Profile
Best-Estimate Radiative Flux
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
Baseline Solar Radiation Network (BSRN): calculated solar irradiances
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
CCN Counter derived hygroscopicity parameter kappa
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Cloud Condensation Nuclei Profile
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Cloud Classification
Stony Brook University
Cloud Type Classification
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
Corrected Radar Moments in Antenna Coordinates
Clouds Optically Gridded by Stereo (COGS) product
University of California, Berkeley
Correction of Diffuse Shortwave Measurements
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
Doppler Lidar Mentor Corrected for Ship Motion
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Doppler Lidar Motion Correction (DLMC) Wind Profiles
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Doppler Lidar Horizontal Wind Profiles
Doppler Lidar Wind Statistics Profiles
Fast Cloud Droplet Probe aboard aircraft
CFADs calculated using ARM HSRL measurements and lidar scattering ratio method
Interpolated Sonde
Ka-Band Scanning ARM Cloud Radar PPI scan, Cartesian Cloud Cover Grid VAP
Active Remote Sensing of CLouds (ARSCL) product using Ka-band ARM Zenith Radars
Pennsylvania State University
Stony Brook University
KAZR-ARSCL, reflectivities aligned with CloudSat Cloud Profiling Radar
Ka-Band ARM Zenith RADAR (KAZR) CF-Radial, Corrected VAP
KAZR Corrected Data
KAZR Ship Motion Correction
LES ARM Symbiotic Simulation and Observation (LASSO)
Line-By-Line Radiative Transfer Model
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
Atmospheric and Environmental Research
Laser Disdrometer Quantities
aerosol feature mask
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Microwave Radiometer-Scaled Sonde Profiles
Multi-Angle Snowflake Camera Particle Analysis
University of Utah
merged size distribution from SMPS and APS
merged size distribution from SMPS and APS, Machine Learning
merged size distribution from SMPS and UHSAS
Merged Sounding
University of Utah
NOAA Global Systems Laboratory
MFRSR Column Intensive Properties
University of Oklahoma
Cloud Optical Properties from MFRSR Using Min Algorithm
State University of New York, Albany
Continuous Baseline Microphysical Retrieval
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Microbase Ensemble Data Products
Precipitation Radar Moments Mapped to a Cartesian Grid
Argonne National Laboratory
MMCR mode moments, derived by ARSCL process
MPL: data averaged to fixed 30 second interval, e.g. for polarized data
Full resolution profiles of MPL relative backscatter and related fields
Cloud Base Height from MPL Using Scott-Spinhirne Algorithm
Cloud mask from Micropulse Lidar
Micropulse Lidar Cloud Mask Machine Learning VAP
Micropulse Lidar Cloud Optical Depth
Normalized Backscatter Profiles from the Micropulse Lidar
MWACR Ship Motion Correction
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Microwave Radiometer Averages in 1- and 5-Minute Increments
MWR Retrievals
MWR Retrievals with MWRRET Version 2
Navigational Location and Attitude Best Estimate
Droplet number concentration
Organic Aerosol Component
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Oklahoma Mesonet Soil Moisture
Planetary Boundary Layer Height
Stereo Reconstructed Point Cloud of Cloud Points (PCCP)
University of California, Berkeley
hydrometeor field statistics dataset derived from radar PPI scans
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Quality Controlled Eddy Correlation Flux Measurement
Argonne National Laboratory
Data Quality Assessment for ARM Radiation Data
Comparison of Statistics or Clouds data from AERI vs. LBLRTM Model runs
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
Comparison of Water in the Column from MWR vs. Instrument Model
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
Quantitative Precipitation Estimates from Precipitation Radar
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Radar Contoured Frequency by Altitude Diagram
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Radiative Flux Analysis
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Radiatively Important Parameters Best Estimate
Raman LIDAR Vertical Profiles
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Raman Lidar Vertical Profiles Feature Detection and Extinction
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
NASA - Langley Research Center
Raman Lidar Mixing Ratio
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Raman Lidar Temperature VAP
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Retrieved Number concentration of CCN
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
RWP-Based Virtual Temperature Profile
SACR Advance 3-D Cartesian Cloud Cover
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Brookhaven National Laboratory
SACR Advance Quasi-Vertical Profile
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Stony Brook University
SACR Advance Velocity Azimuth Display
Stony Brook University
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Scanning ARM Cloud Radar Corrections
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Solar Array Spectrometer (Hemispheric) Langley Regressions
University of Oklahoma
Surface Cloud Grid
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
Fair-Weather Shallow Cumulus Identification
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
Sonde Adjust
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Balloon-borne sounding system (BBSS): recalculated wind/pressure/temp/RH
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Gridded Sonde VAP Product
Brookhaven National Laboratory
convective parameters derived from radiosonde data
Cloud optical depth retrieved from multi-channel sunphotometer
Colorado State University
Surface QUantitatIve pRecipitation Estimation (SQUIRE)
Surface Spectral Albedo
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
Atmospheric and Environmental Research
Shortwave Flux Analysis
National Research Council of Italy - IMAA
Tethered Balloon System (TBS) Merged Data Product
Sandia National Laboratories
Thermodynamic cloud phase
Tropospheric Optimal Estimation Retrieval
Tower Water-Vapor Mixing Ratio
Constrained Variational Analysis
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Stony Brook University
Three-dimensional Constrained Variational Analysis
Video Disdrometer VAP
W-band Cloud Radar Active Remote Sensing of Cloud
Pennsylvania State University
Stony Brook University
Whole Sky Imager Cloud Products
CSU X-Band Precip Radar (XPRECIPRADAR) PPI Corrected Moments to Antenna Coord
X-SAPR Corrected Moments in Antenna Coordinates
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Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) | Reviewed
October 2024